As a Doctor of Chiropractic for 26 years, I have seen and heard more stories about how back and neck pain either:

1. Stopped couples from having sex


2. Seriously impeded the enjoyment factor

A healthy sex life that is also more frequent

“While getting a little frisky in the shower with my wife, we found ourselves in a very compromising position… I couldn’t move and had to call Dr. Chris (while in the shower) to figure out how to move myself out of the shower – talk about a mood killer.” – Anonymous Patient

Taking care of your back, your core and your flexibility, can not only help you improve your love life, but may in fact give you back the love-life you once had.

My recipe for healthy and brag-worthy Sex:

• Think of the spine as the conduit of energy through your nerves to your special love making parts.

• A flexible lower back not only allows you to move more freely while doing it, but it helps ensure that the nerves are firing well. This promotes more feeling and longer action.

• Those soft couches that we like to snuggle up on, may be counter productive to our sex game later. Soft furniture is proven to cause slouching and this is the number one reason we have degeneration of our back discs. Degeneration is just a fancy word that means compressed. The more our discs compress and shrink, the less our nerves fire – let’s stay away from any additional shrinkage. So basically, firmer couches, means firmer erections boys!

• Begin every morning with a stretch routine to prevent disc compression. This will keep the brain communication to the pelvis functioning while also giving you more confidence to try more creative moves in bed or where ever you may play.

• Never do crunches. EVER. They kill the discs and will in turn kill your love life.

• As an alternative, do planks. Front and side and alternating arm and leg raises for core. More core means more power in your love-making.

• Lunges: best stretch ever. Hip flexors are the pushing muscle we all use to make love. Hold these stretches for 1-2 minutes a day. Why? Since we sit so much they loose their flexibility and you loose the push from up top – Ladies, who doesn’t like to be on top?

• Cardio means more circulation flow, which helps in love making significantly. We like swimming and biking. If you bike, use padded shorts and the Adamo racing seat that doesn’t put pressure on your perineum nerves that affect the genitals. See this at Blackburn research Inc.

So, the next time you’re getting down and dirty, remember these key tips to help maintain your sex life, to prevent the infamous pretzel situation with your partner, and an embarrassing phone call to your chiropractor…

By Dr. Chris Oswald

Dr. Chris Oswald owns and operates one of Canada’s leading chiropractic clinics in Toronto, Canada. Nationally ranked athletes, leading Canadian performers and musicians, and members of Toronto’s business elite are among his patients. Respected as one of North America’s leading authorities, Dr. Oswald is a regular contributor and lecturer for the Canadian Memorial Chiropractic College, Northwestern Health Sciences University and the Canadian Chiropractic Association and was recognized by the Canadian Chiropractic Association as one of the professions top 20 leaders under 40 years of age. Dr. Oswald has written and delivered many lectures on future health-care trends, doctor-patient communication, stretching, exercising, and ergonomics.

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