By: Erfan Mahjour
I was on the train the other day and I noticed this absolutely stunning girl sitting by herself. She had completely covered herself up, wearing a hat, sunglasses (not even sunny outside and its winter), and headphones.
Was she a secret agent? Highly unlikely. Were all of her nice clothes in the wash? Hmmm…maybe…but probably not.
The only answer? She was going out of her way to repel men from approaching her.
There you have the life of a beautiful woman (and a celebrity)
From their earliest memory they have had guys after them. For many of them, being approached by 10+ men a day is the norm. Being an attractive female is a tough job (get out the world’s smallest violin and shed a single tear), and they have their guard up, ready to shoot you down.
Imagine being constantly approached by men wanting directions somewhere….only for them to try and get your number a minute later.
What do you do then? How do you set yourself apart and be that guy that she’ll give a chance to?
The reality is you have to be something of worth to have a shot with them. Do you value yourself? Are you confident? Do you dress well? Can you support yourself…and her and the future kids? (All things that go through their minds).
Here’s a few things to know when approaching a beautiful woman:
Always look good. Women don’t care about what you look like, but they do care about how you present yourself. How you’ve decided to show yourself to the world is a reflection on who you are and your status in the world. If you’re not taking care of your personal hygiene, clothes, etc, she won’t give you the time of day.
Don’t let her looks intimidate you. We men are visual creatures, and women know this. They dress to the 10’s not only because they love clothes, but because they want to attract high value men. Realize that she put a lot of work into looking good, and that she has her own insecurities.

Talk to her like she’s a friend you haven’t seen in ages. The key to coming off as confident is being relaxed. She’s a person just like you. There is no reason to fear talking to her. What is the worst she can do to you?
Introduce yourself and be honest. No asking for directions or good names for dogs. Be honest and be yourself. Get to know her and just work on your conversation skills. In the end that’s the key to keeping her interest.
Women aren’t these mysterious creatures that no one can understand. In the end, they just want to be happy and have fun, like you and I. Everything that I listed above is not only what a high value female is looking for, but it’s also what a high status male (like you) should be looking for.
The sign of a high status male is one that doesn’t care about being shot down. Only the low status males with no confidence go home crying because some random girl they just met wasn’t interested.
Don’t let that man be you.
Erfan Mahjour is the creator of Tailored Chap. Diet, fitness, men’s fashion, psychology and helping men attract beautiful women are his passions in life. Over the last few years, he has helped countless friends and clients overcome their struggles in these areas, all with great success. Erfan sees himself as more then a dating coach but more of an all-around lifestyle coach that will help you get every facet of your life in order so you can not only attract the woman of your dreams, but do it effortlessly. His dating, health & fitness and fashion blog is designed to give you a kick start in your life, while his eBook is for the serious guy that wants to change his life this second. Contact Erfan at