“Sex with Dr. Jess” Toronto’s Most Eligible Bachelorette: Briony!

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Briony is what we like to call a bit of a renaissance man…but a lady of course. With a wide interest in many different areas, she excels in the arts, music, sports and much more. Born and raised in the dairy capital of Canada, Woodstock, this small town girl has come to Toronto and flourished. Starting out in Broadcasting she spent a number of years on air in Radio and even excelled further hosting a Sports TV show. These successes led Briony to expand her many talents and discover her niche in the newspaper industry where she is currently a successful Marketing Executive at NOW Magazine.
On top of the busy advertising world she lives in, this sassy go-getter is constantly doing freelance art projects on the side for many clients who have an appreciation for her special approach to her craft. In particular, the rare combination of her painting talents, paired with her cleaver approach to every project, is creating opportunities to build her own distinctive brand. A brand for which she intends to expand with her own website in the near future. With a unique ability to work with a variety of different mediums, she is always creating and finding new ways to express her art.
When she isn’t working like a mad woman, you can find her attending a variety of musical shows, concerts and festivals. As well, Briony especially enjoys attending fundraisers, sporting events, and hitting up a number of Toronto’s hot spots.
Feel free to follow her adventures on instagram @brionydouglas

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Name: Briony
Occupation: Marketing Executive, NOW Magazine
Things I’m passionate about: So many things in life should be done with passion. If your’e not passionate about anything you do, you shouldn’t be doing it.
My ideal first date would be: A random adventure always wins. My motto: I’ll save you a seat if you bring something to the table.
People say that I am: A joker, always laughing and my hair is full of secrets
My ideal partner is: Above the standard qualities of honesty, intelligence and drive; fellow needs to practice spontaneity regularly, appreciate good music, love sports (+handle my sports betting hobby) and bonus points to those who can grow an epic beard. Nothing sexier.
Dating deal breakers: Deal breakers are situational, but if I have to spell them out for you, consider that one of them.
I’m not bragging but I: I have some of the best friends and people in my life – oh, and I can aggresively dominate anyone in Limbo.
A talent that may surprise you: Well that’s a secret.
Three artists you’ll find on my iPod: Probably the most loaded question of all…I jump between Daft Punk, Bowie and right now in love with Future Islands but I love Dubstep, Hiphop and all things classic rock.
My dream vacation: Anything warm near an ocean. Has to be adventurous and involve activities most people are too scared to try.
On weekends you’ll find me: Weekends are jam packed with detoxing by running or yoga, and retoxing later with friends on a patio.
What I put on my burger: An aggressive amount of everything.
I was most impressed on a date when he: Took me on the most amazing adventure and incorporated different places I had mentioned I loved or wanted to check out.
In high school I was: A bit of a nerd but like a cool nerd of course.
My guilty indulgence is: Wine. Because wine not?
If my life were a genre of movie it would be: A comedy with a road trip or something equally adventurous.
The actor that should play my life story is: Betty White.
Favourite ice cream flavour: I prefer freezies.
To relieve stress I: I try to channel it into bettering myself. Running or working on my art usually wins. But listening to some tunes and enjoying great company comes as a close second.
If I played hooky I’d: I can’t tell you that, then people would no where to find me when I am suppose to be working.
Favourite Toronto spot to grab a drink: Big fan of The Porch during the summer, not many places serve you drinks in a cute little sand pail!
Best thing about living in Toronto: The music. Hands down. It is such an amazing place for festivals, concerts, new bands, old bands and some of the best venues to be serenaded at.
If I found a genie in a bottle my three wishes would be: Unlimited wishes, a unicorn and a lifetime of adventures.

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Want to suggest or even be one of “Toronto’s Most Eligible Bachelorettes”? Email menandwomen@magazine4you.top with your suggestion.
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Hair & Makeup provided by: Sindhuja Senthilnathan / Fansi Make-up Culture
Photography by: Misha Kumpan