Gotstyle Menswear Bachelor: Ford!

Circle of Gentlemen grey solid collar blazer – Style: Gathley High $698.00

Ford is 29 years old and was born and raised here in Toronto. He’s the head of Business Development at an interactive agency downtown called Fourth Wall, working with brands throughout the country bringing some of Canada’s most forward thinking digital initiatives to life.  By night, Ford DJ’s all over TO, teaming up with a great crew of people throwing some of the hottest parties in the city.  Ford does what he loves, I loves what he does and feels very blessed because of it. If you’re interested in what Ford’s team can do in the digital space, check out If you wish to book a party, contact Shauna Ireland at

John Varvatos blue plaid dress shirt – Style: Twilight $165.00 – Bench Craft black belt – Style: 3003-1 $85.00

Name: Ford Shirriff

Occupation: Head of Business Development at an Interactive Agency downtown called Fourth Wall (A Pattison Group Company)

Things I’m passionate about: Music and loving what I do

My ideal first date would be:  somewhere cool, engaging and unconventional…maybe the horse track?

People say that I am: named after a car

My ideal partner is: without a doubt also my best friend.

Dating deal breakers: “No ticki, no laundry!”

I’m not bragging but I…: can ALMOST do a cart-wheel!

A talent that may surprise you: I can ALMOST do a cart-wheel!

Three artists you’ll find on my iPod: Jay Z, Lauryn Hill and Rick Astley

My dream vacation: Africa…I have to see Africa

On weekends you’ll find me: fighting zombies in the Bay/Adelaide Center

What I put on my burger: Nutella

I was most impressed on a date when she: drank the whole bottle!

In high school I was: covered with pimples

My guilty indulgence is:  champagne

In my past life I was: Spiderman

In my next life I’ll be: Batman

If my life were a genre of movie it would be: Ridley Scott’s ‘Gladiator’.

The actor that should play my life story is: Marilyn Manroe

Favourite icecream flavour: not really a huge ice-cream fan – maybe Hagen Daaz bars?

To relieve stress I: work on music

If I played hooky I’d: probably call my mother to apologize.  truthfuly, I actually didn’t mind school and i love my work so…

If I found a genie in a bottle my three wishes would be: 1) run really fast 2) jump really high and 3) finally (and successfully) do a complete cart-wheel

Levi’s blue denim – Style: 39011-0018 $175.00 – Ted Baker brown worn leather duffle bag

Want to suggest or even be one of “Toronto’s Most Eligible Bachelors”? Email with your suggestion.



Photography by Yousuf Afridi

Clothing, styling and sponsorship provided by Gotstyle Menswear, Toronto.

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