Gotstyle Menswear Bachelor: Gregory!

Gregory is an extraordinary artist, singer, and business entrepreneur. He has created bands, music venues, lounges and restaurants that have been wonderful dining and music destinations in the City of Toronto. His current successful indie band and newly formed indie record label, Ossington Rose Records, has began to plant him on the Canadian music landscape. His love for music is in his DNA, and being the cousin to the late Canadian musical great Domenic Troiano surely has influenced his musical taste and natural talents. The bands socially conscious original rock song lyrics and music melodies stem from Gregory’s love for some of rock music’s classic great artists which he grew up listening to. Adding to his love for music, Gregory has his hands firmly planted on a vibrant Toronto night life spot called Parlour in the heart of the entertainment district. Within his portfolio and zest to create new things, Gregory is currently involved in a project with Be Hotels developing a spa/villa/yoga retreat in lovely Tulum, Mexico. Gregory is a true believer in making a difference in the lives of those less fortunate and often contributes to local and international causes that help those in need.

Name: Gregory
Occupation: musician/entrepreneur
Things I’m passionate about: wine, music, food,and people
My ideal first date would be: beach side
People say that I am: I am a wild card
My ideal partner is: someone who likes food, wine, and music
Dating deal breakers: self-absorbed
I’m not bragging but I: am not self-absorbed
A talent that may surprise you: I can cook
Three artists you’ll find on my iPod: Michael Kiwanuka, Dusky, Morcheeba
My dream vacation: Trip in a hot air balloon landing beach side
On weekends you’ll find me: At my lounge Parlour singing & playing percussion
What I put on my burger: relish
I was most impressed on a date when she: asks to pay
In high school I was: amazed that my parents sent me to an all boys…
My guilty indulgence is: cigars
In my past life I was: a chef
In my next life I’ll be: chef
If my life were a genre of movie it would be: a documentary
The actor that should play my life story is: Johnny Depp
Favourite ice cream flavour: pralines & cream
To relieve stress I: started doing yoga & love it
If I played hooky I’d: hit the beach
If I found a genie in a bottle my three wishes would be: for a sexy girl, a house on a beach in Bali and no more wars

Photography by Yousuf Afridi
Clothing, styling and sponsorship provided by Gotstyle Menswear, Toronto.