Toronto’s Most Eligible Bachelor: Taz!

Tazito Garcia (Taz) is a Canadian based multi-award winning actor and director considered to be one of Hollywood’s hottest new “blood” generation of action stars. He is known for his intricate Hong Kong style fight scenes and a very charming screen presence.

Taz is a man that values life and appreciates all the small things in life. A man of romance and cheer, that recognizes that the best things in life are the simplest things.

” There are no shortcuts, only hard work and dedication is what makes a man great.” -Taz

Through all the negative experiences in his life he has somehow maintained the hope strength and faith to go through life, positive and looking for the next great thing to happen. His positive outlook and cheerful nature is infectious and evident on and off screen. Garcia makes sure that with every character he plays and every role that he takes on a little bit of that ‘Taz’ energy always shines through to his audience and fans.

Garcia is currently moving forward with a Canadian/Chinese action comedy feature film, an original TV pilot and an appearance on Season 3 of Netflix’s Shadowhunters.

IG: Tazito.Garcia Twitter: Tazito_Garcia

Name: Tazito “Taz” Garcia

Occupation: Actor – Director – Pro Athlete

Things I’m passionate about: Charities, sports, film industry and arts

My ideal first date would be: Brunch beach side in Bora Bora

People say that I am: Extremely energetic

My ideal partner is: Spontaneous

Dating deal breakers: Shallowness. Lying and poor hygiene

I’m not bragging but: I am good at anything I put my mind to

A talent that may surprise you: A girlfriend that can fly a jet fighter

Three musical artists you’ll find on my playlist: Markus Schulz, Tiesto, Hans Zimmer

My dream vacation would be: Hawaii

On weekends you’ll find me: Having a cheat day

What I put on my burger: Ketchup, mustard, lettuce, tomato and cheese

A talent that may surprise you: I speak read and write 6 languages.

I was most impressed on a date when she: Did parkour (similar to what is know now as free running) with an elite Stunt team in France.

In high school I was: MVP and Prom Prince (we didn`t have a king) haha

My guilty indulgence is: Sweets

In my past life I was: A warrior

In my next life I’ll be: A warrior

If my life were a genre of movie it would be: A romantic- action – comedy

The actor that should play my life story is: Me. Or Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson

Favourite ice cream flavour: Gold medal Ribbon and Salted Caramel

The best thing about Toronto is: Overall city vibe

My favourite Toronto hot spot is: Way too many to list

To relieve stress I: Workout

If I played hooky I’d: Be at a game somewhere

If I found a genie in a bottle my three wishes would be:

1. I wish that my family and friends would never get sick, have pain, any problems or, God forbid, die.

2. I`d wish to continue doing what I love and loving what I do acting career wise.

3. I`d ask for a good amount of money; donate some, save some and start a new business

Want to suggest or even be featured as one of “Toronto’s Most Eligible Bachelors”? Email with your suggestion.


Photo credit: Ryan Walters||Aperture Lane Films||@aperturelane

Clothing, styling and sponsorship provided by: Gotstyle Menswear, Toronto.

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