“Gotstyle Menswear” Toronto’s Most Eligible Bachelor: Grey!
Hilton Stretch Wool Solid Suit – $895 – Stenstroms Basic FC Dress Shirt – $195 – GotStyle Silt Style Navy Tie – $35Grey works in commercial real estate and explores entrepreneurship in his free time. He previously built (and shut down) a lip balm business, and is now focused on inventing and direct marketing.
Grey was born and raised in Toronto, with a short stint in Barbados. He is a passionate athlete who can’t throw a football (or baseball, or basketball) to save his life. Fortunately, skiing didn’t require any of those skills, and Grey is a hella’ fast ski racer. (His love of spandex is legendary.) You’ll find Grey hitting the slopes every weekend during the winter, showing off his downhill suit and working on his turns. Off-season, Grey does CrossFit, eats healthy food, and sleeps a lot.
Although he tries to sound like a jock, Grey is actually a mega-nerd. Live long and prosper.
Hilton Stretch Wool Solid Suit – $895 – Stenstroms Basic FC Dress Shirt – $195 – GotStyle Silt Style Navy Tie – $35Name: Grey
Occupation: Commercial Real Estate Analyst and Entrepreneur.
Things I’m passionate about: Business, fitness, skiing, and music.
My ideal first date would be: With great company. When there’s a connection, I find the rest takes care of itself.
People say that I am: Energetic, driven, and passionate.
My ideal partner is: Athletic, funny, and brilliant. I like to be challenged, and I look for a partner who can bring it.
Dating deal breakers: Showing up late.
I’m not bragging but I…: am a terrible dancer. My signature move, The Octopus, has been known to simultaneously confuse and arouse unsuspecting observers.
A talent that may surprise you: I do a mean cover of Faded by Soul Decision. Karaoke never stood a chance.
Three artists you’ll find on my iPod: The Rural Alberta Advantage, Bon Iver, and Pink Floyd.
My dream vacation: Heli-skiing. I like to be active on vacation, and (as a skier) nothing tops heli-skiing. Hard work, deep snow, beautiful scenery, and (hopefully) amazing com-pany. It’s perfect.
On weekends you’ll find me: In the summer, I’m unwinding with friends after a day of work with a beer and live music. In the winter, I’m ripping up the slopes in Collingwood and passing out early by the fire.
What I put on my burger: A fried egg. Top it up with avocado, bacon, some more bacon, and aged cheddar. Add ketchup, mustard, and mayo. Now add more beef. Hit the gym immediately after consumption.
I was most impressed on a date when she: can “nerd out” with me.
In high school I was: (I’d rather not talk about it…)
My guilty indulgence is: Ice cream.
In my past life I was: The Good.
In my next life I’ll be: The Ugly.
If my life were a genre of movie it would be: A western.
The actor that should play my life story is: Clint Eastwood.
Favourite ice cream flavour: Roasted Marshmallow from Greg’s on Bloor. That stuff is insane.
To relieve stress I: Work out, sing, and eat ice cream. Yes, simultaneously.
If I played hooky I’d: go skiing.
If I found a genie in a bottle my three wishes would be: 1) Establish world peace, 2) Get the girl, and 3) Set the genie free.
The best part of living in Toronto is: The people. They’re the source of all opportunities, relationships, and experiences the city has to offer.
The best place to grab a drink in Toronto is: The Spoke Club. It’s got the best patio in the city and the atmosphere is perfect for getting to know someone, catching up, or doing business.
Hilton Stretch Wool Solid Suit – $895 – Stenstroms Basic FC Dress Shirt – $195 – GotStyle Silt Style Navy Tie – $35FOLLOW US ON INSTAGRAM TO SEE NEW BACHELORS AND BACHELORETTES AND BEHIND THE SCENES PHOTOS (eligiblezinesmosteligible)
Photography by Daniel Joseph/Magazine4You
Clothing, styling and sponsorship provided by Gotstyle Menswear, Toronto.