Say anything and have it mean anything? A wise man once said “if you can make a woman laugh, you can get her to do anything” or as I rephrase this quote, perhaps “anything?” Cue the puns, double entendres, innuendo, playful nudges and pokes––not the Facebook kind––the banter frame is in the house! This conversational style is laced with teasing and witty remarks; a sort of flirtatious exchange between you and her, accompanied with a touch of playful tonality. Banter is a good-humored and frank conversation between two parties with a dash of attraction. “Sense of humor”, which is atop the list of what most women want in a guy, simply revolves around the concept of banter.
Humor serves to break down her barriers by putting her in a good mood ––which bodes well for you. Witty interjections and humorous comments in a timely manner make for an excellent conversation. The rule is simple: the more fun she’s having with you, the more comfortable she becomes with your advances. Tonality (which will be covered later on) is very key here; a subtle hint of sarcasm and self-ridicule also augments the banter frame. Do away, however, with extreme forms of self-deprecating humor; make her laugh with you, not at you!
It’s very apparent that laughter is contagious and makes all and sundry receptive to you. Plus, everyone enjoys the company of a funny person and women highly rate a man with a great sense of humor. Laughter is sure to get her guards down and makes you breakthrough faster than the stern intellectual guy–– why so serious? As she becomes more receptive to your bantering, the conversation could take a sexual turn, if she’s returning the volley. While combining the intellectual frame with banter favors your odds, the ultimate combo is with the sexual frame which I’ll discuss in the next installment––you wouldn’t want to miss anything about this one!