For all of the times that you wonder where the “good ones” are, the holidays may be the best time of year to find love.
Think about it…
Everyone is coming home for the holidays! And you never know who might be the perfect mate amongst the dinner guests.
The neighbour’s kid you never took seriously has grown up to be amazing.
Your sibling’s friend who you crushed on can finally see your light.
The suitable workaholic who never goes out is open to a great conversation.
The eligible divorcees feel safe to be themselves and find new love.
The commitment-phobics are inspired by the coziness of family and contemplate relationship.
And of course, everyone will be looking for that inspiring kiss when the countdown is on!
This year, a surprising blast from the past may be the gift you have been waiting for. Life has its coincidences; you may find yourself unknowingly flirting with a suitable match across six degrees of separation. It’s the beautiful time of year when online dating profiles come to life.
And don’t forget about the retail opportunities! There are more amongst the racks than just the bargains. It’s the perfect time to walk around with 2 sweaters in your hand and ask a cute guy which one he thinks your “brother“ might like. Or let a foxy female choose between 2 handbags for your “sister“. Spark a conversation and take advantage of the hot chocolate candy cane latte opportunities.
The possibilities are endless and rich for those who are courageously willing to shake off the humbug attitude and celebrate being eligible.
Accept every invitation with optimistic curiosity. Go get merry and jingle your bells, relax that tough exterior and be open for love. Instead of concerning yourself with the right presents; choose to be a great presence! Warm up the room with your charismatic smile, be a generous giver and an excellent receiver in conversations. Willingly connect with new people and have a festive time. You never know, 2012 may have a happy ending after all!
Wishing you a fabulous season of love! Courageously yours, Tanya Chernova and Joanna Andros