One of my younger sisters and I were comparing dating notes recently.  As we usually do I asked her what was new with her dating life when she responded that she had met a “nice guy” as a prospect but that there was only one problem….he can’t kiss!

“He can’t kiss” I exclaimed. “Do tell me more.” I said sensing a new blog at my sister’s expense.

“Well” she continued, “he’s just a really slobbery kisser. I mean he’s nice but his mouth gets really, really wet”.

Ok, I’ve heard enough. I mean the imagery is more than I can take from my own sister….. “Oh what the hell, tell me more” I conceded.

“I just don’t know what to do” she continued. “I thought he’d get the point when I wiped my face on his sleeve!”

“You wiped your face on his sleeve!” Now I had heard enough.

Men, this is one of the most common complaints that women have about us!

We need to keep in mind that the key to her heart …. or to the exit door rest in our ability to kiss her with skillful passion. We are being judged. She is using our kiss to estimate our suitability in all other areas.

Here are a few thoughts on better kissing:

  1. Relax, enjoy and be aware of the various sensations. Keep in mind that there are 100 times more nerve endings in your lips than in your fingertips.
  2. Don’t “go for it”! It’s not a race and you definitely don’t want to give her the impression you’re on a timetable!
  3. Look for cues. Try to sense the direction or tone she would like to experience the kiss and then take her there.
  4. Use your hands. A recent online poll pegged that “the most important part of kissing” was the use of hands.  Try cupping her face with your hands, or running your hands through her hair.

Remember, if you don’t truly value and understand the importance of the kiss, then you will never truly master the kiss.  It’s all about what’s really important to you: the journey or the destination. Of course it should be the journey.

Lastly, remember these wise words offered by Albert Einstein:

“Any man who can drive safely while kissing a pretty girl is simply not giving the kiss the attention it deserves.”

Pace.  Technique. Attention. These are the finer points of kissing.

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