As much as we go to the gym for our health and to get SWOLE, it also becomes something social for a lot of people. Besides working out with your friend or getting away from it all, it can be a great place to meet your swole mate, I mean Soul mate! Now keep in mind this isn’t why you should go but definitely a benefit considering that if you are active and healthy you most likely want someone living the same!
Let’s not get it twisted though! This isn’t a night club or a dating service! There are many do’s and don’ts to finding that special someone at the gym!
Do: Dress appropriately. Yes I went there! Save your torn T-shirts and the tights with the holes for when you are at home relaxing alone! Ladies wear something flattering but not something that shows all your business. Most quality guys want a gal that has some mystery. Not one that has a million guys hanging off of her because she is wearing next to nothing. Guys, women love nice looking chests but no one wants to see a shirtless guy sweating at the gym. Makes it seem like you are looking for attention. Dress in clean and flattering clothing that makes you feel great! It will show and that is more attractive than trying too hard!

Don’t: Staring at yourself in mirror and checking out your gains is a no no! As much as this is really hard to do, you may not realize how it looks to others. You come across self-centered and arrogant. Now don’t get me wrong we should never worry about what others think but if you are looking to meet that special someone this quality may not do it for you!
Do: Smile! I don’t mean at everyone but if you have an interest in someone at the gym SMILE! Don’t follow them around the gym and stare that definitely is a don’t! Never be a stalker! But if they walk by shoot them your best “I am awesome” smile! It may not lead to a date that night but just may lead into a convo!
Don’t: This is for the guys! Don’t compliment her body! Compliment her shoes or applaud her efforts. Don’t even compliment her tights! You might as well say “your ass looks great in those tights!”. Women don’t want to be approached about her looks. They want to know you see more than that.

Do: Get your timing right! Don’t interrupt someone in the middle of a set or while talking to someone else. May seem obvious but I have seen it happen on many occasions. It has happened to me! It is not the time to be chatting. Catch them between sets or on their way out and keep the convo light. Say you liked the exercise they were doing or use this time to compliment on their shoes! Don’t start telling them your life story!
Don’t: Be a know it all! Don’t go up to someone and tell them they are doing something wrong. It will make them annoyed and may even embarrass them. No one likes a know it all!
Do: This is for the ladies! Do keep it business as usual. Don’t dumb down your workout so you won’t sweat or worried you may seem “too strong”. Quality men will respect your grind and your focus! A little sweat goes along way!

Don’t: Be a douche bag! Don’t be that person that throws weights around and leaves stuff on the floor! Wipe your sweat off benches and don’t hog! Clean up after yourself, be nice and respectful to everyone around you and most of all don’t be winking at everything that walks by you! No nose picking, spitting, grabbing of crotches or laughing at other people!
The gym can be a great place to meet people. Whether it is that special someone or just a buddy! But there are things that can make or break you! Remember people see everything you do! Just because you have your headphones on doesn’t mean you suddenly disappear! If you are wanting to make an impression do so in a way that attracts others not repel them!