We are down to the final three ladies and gents. This week on the Bachelor, farmer Chris has some big decisions to make. He must choose between three very distinct ladies: Whitney, Becca and Kaitlyn. Well, I know whom I would pick, but hey—I’m not a farmer from Iowa who needs his fields to be plowed. *Cough, cough* Kaitlyn.

Kaitlyn is the first to go on a one-on-one date with Chris in the beautiful Bali. The two lovebirds walk about the Indonesian streets, making new friends, drinking and enjoying the scenic route the Bachelor plans for us viewers. The funniest part was watching the monkeys jump on to Chris’ back. “I definitely wish that I could be more like a monkey, and go after what I want,” Kaitlyn says. Hmm, warning signs Chris?

the bachelor

Chris and Whitney meet at a harbor for their one-on-one date. As Chris enjoys watching the waves, the sky and the words spill out Whitney’s mouth, I can’t help but wonder—is he even into this girl? For 96 per cent of the time all we heard was Whitney narrate their entire boat ride. “Yeah, I’m just laying here,” she says. Yes Whitney, we are all capable of understanding what you are doing. In case you’re wondering about what I am doing, I’m wondering why your kneecaps are bright orange. Oops.

the bachelor

Now on to Becca, Bachelor’s next virgin. Seriously, that should be the name of this season. Is anyone else wondering why we have to keep hearing the same dramatic announcement: And she still has her virginity! WHO CARES? These ladies should be free to hold on to their womanhood as the women that they are without feeling like,

“Oh no. I hope Chris still likes me because I’m still a virgin.” Ok, I’m done.

the bachelor

The two meet up with a Balinese medium to ask if there is anything they would like to find out about their future. They ask for advice for their date night. Their answer: that they should make love (of course). And there we have it, Bachelor once again putting on the pressure. So, Becca tells Chris she is a virgin and Chris obviously has trouble coming to terms with this because he says over some stumbling words, “I…never easy to respond to that stuff.” We hear you loud and clear Chris.

The Bachelor

At the Rose Ceremony, Chris approaches the ladies with a cautious face. You know, the same one he has every week when he thinks he is making the hardest decision on the face of the earth. He asks Becca to talk with him for a second so they can “clear things up” from last night. The two come back smiling and Whitney and Kaitlyn are confused. Chris gives roses to Whitney and Becca. Kaitlyn is shocked and he walks her back to the limo. We can all tell Kaitlyn is trying to be strong, and I give her a standing ovation for effort. On the other hand, Chris obviously has no clue how to handle such situations, as he makes matters worse by talking and talking. Chris, just let her go. You already lead her on enough as it is.

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