Here’s the thing about testosterone: It makes everything in life better. High testosterone levels are associated with lower stress, better sex, better body composition. Testosterone builds muscle, burns fat, and makes life better. Low testosterone levels? These are associated with depression. See the connection here? High testosterone levels will make you more attractive to the opposite sex and increase your overall quality of life. Testosterone is God’s greatest gift to men.

Now here’s the bad news, gentlemen: As we age our testosterone levels begin to drop. That’s right, the number one thing that makes a man’s life awesome starts to dwindle. That’s only for old folks you say? Think you’re immune? I was diagnosed with low test at the age of 27. That’s right, so listen up! In the name of all that is Man, here are the things you can do to make sure your testosterone stays high and lasts as long as possible:

Desire sex. Have sex.

This seems simple, but if your libido is dropping you likely aren’t thinking enough about sex; just the thought of sex has shown to raise levels of testosterone. Having sex is also a good strategy to keep levels high. The old adage actually applies here: “If you don’t use it, you’ll lose it.”

Lose Body Fat

Being overweight or obese is detrimental to the production of testosterone. I know it’s a bit of a Catch-22 since testosterone helps drive fat loss, but fat cells actually contain an enzyme that turns testosterone into estrogen. Lose the fat, raise the test; if you aren’t exercising, you need to work some activity into your life.

Don’t Limit Your Protein

This one is simple. More protein = higher levels of testosterone. Be a man and eat your protein; lots of it. And please don’t stop at 30 g per serving- that’s a myth created by some weak vegetarian.

Perform Squats and Deadlifts

Doing heavy, compound movements stimulates the release of testosterone more than simple movements. Sorry boys, I don’t care how good the curls make your arms look, you’re going to want to train your legs too. And the deeper your squat, the better the effect; save your knees and produce more test- win-win!

Don’t Limit Fat

The male body uses saturated fat to create testosterone, and as I’ve mentioned before, this “bad” fat won’t hurt you as long as you keep your unsaturated fats in balance and avoid a diet obnoxiously high in sugar and processed carbs. Limiting fat, especially saturated fat, can be very detrimental to the production of testosterone.

Eliminate Stress

Life is short, so try not to be so bent out of shape all the time. Do things that make you happy; practice yoga; laugh uncontrollably. The lower your stress levels, the higher your testosterone can rise!

Take Breakfast Down a Notch

Skipping or delaying breakfast can boost your testosterone. Think about chugging some water and drinking a coffee or two before eating your eggs (you are eating your eggs right?)

Sleep 8 Hours Every Night

I’ve covered the countless benefits of sleep in the past, but getting adequate rest in a dark, quiet setting can do wonders for overall hormonal health.

Avoid BPAs and Soy

Studies have shown that both BPAs and soy can hurt testosterone levels. Avoid drinking from plastic bottles, heating things in Tupperware, and eating things life tofu, soy milk and other soy products.

Lift Heavy Things

Plain and simple, increasing the intensity of your workouts will boost testosterone. Even high intensity intervals (ie, sprints) can have an effect. Push yourself at the gym and you’ll increase your quality of life.

So there you have it, ten habits that will lead you to high testosterone and a life full of happiness. In a nutshell: Eat right, sleep right, lift heavy and embrace sex. Women will flock to you and all weaker men will envy you*.

* I make no promises that your newfound testosterone will lead to these results

** Excess testosterone is not a license to be a douchebag bro; please use with caution

This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. Jake

    Um, higher testosterone is also associated with increased risk of cardiovascular disease, heart attack, acne, stroke, emotional irritability, hair loss, increased risk of liver cancer, etc. It most certainly does not make “everything in life better.” More is most certainly not always better. Whoever write this article seriously needs to do their homework before generally advocating testosterone replacement.

    1. Dain

      Hi Jake,
      Thanks for your comment.
      It’s important to differentiate between boosting natural testosterone levels, as per my article, and testosterone replacement therapy (or taking illegal testosterone supplements for that matter). You are correct in saying that testosterone replacement (or the use of injectables, gels, patches, etc.) has been associated with increased health risks; this is most certainly because the typical users of these products are aging men who are already predisposed to certain health risks due to waist circumference, poor diet, lack of exercise, etc., which are also the probable reasons why their testosterone would be low to begin with. So instead of the natural and responsible strategies that I outlined above, the use of artificial testosterone is merely a band-aid solution that will help with libido and muscle gain, but will stress the heart and metabolic systems to a greater degree in men who are already unhealthy.
      I appreciate you taking the time to comment on my article and to give me the platform to differentiate between dangerous and natural ways to boost testosterone, and hope you now understand that my stance was always that of using ethical and healthy means to reap the benefits of keeping natural hormones high.

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