We have become so immersed in our routines and our frantic paced lifestyle that we often settle for a fast food version of sexuality. It is not surprising that much of mainstream thought about Tantric sex boils down to a bunch of Kama Sutra positions or Sting’s comment about his 36-hour sex sessions with  his wife. Yet Tantra, in essence, is the ancient Hindu and Buddhist mystical text that embodies the  spiritual practice of raising your conscious awareness to experience enlightenment.

At its core Tantra is about accessing a perceptual shift that embraces wholeness, timelessness, and openness. Ancient mystics recognized that the sacred union of masculine and feminine provided a powerful gateway into mystical experience, allowing you to transcend the physical body, merge with your Divine aspect and bring more bliss, love and vitality to your life. It is really in the worship of your lover, both in and out of the bedroom, that these alchemical powers are kindled and transform the quality of your lovemaking, deepen your relationship and amplify your appreciation, patience and devotion for each other.

Contrary to what we are accustomed to, Tantric sex is not concerned with a future end-point or striving  for orgasm but is rather focussed on entering the moment fully with your beloved while maintaining a  steady state of arousal. This prolonged arousal transforms the orgasm into a deeper state of ecstasy that  may be sustained for extended periods of time without the typical peak orgasm. Not only does this  mean more intense pleasure longer but the generated overflow of energy then bathes and enriches  every part of your relationship increasing joy, harmony and wellbeing. Try these simple but powerful Tantric methods to get you started. They are meant to be playful, fun and erotic – no goals remember!

Senses Matter

Taking time to create a beautiful sanctuary together using lovely colours, sensual fabrics, candles, flowers or soft music help break you out of your autopilot mode into a more relaxed, peaceful and open  state. Sharing a glass of wine or feeding each other some luscious strawberries begin to activate your pleasure centers.

tantric sex

Tantra is about accessing a perceptual shift that embraces wholeness, timelessness, and openness.

Eye Contact

Sit facing each other and gaze into your lover’s eyes. While this can be awkward at first it holds a  profound power to dissolve barriers, build closeness and feel the oneness of your souls, especially when  you maintain this eye contact throughout the experience.


The breath is our connection to Spirit and all life. Start by breathing in and out together slowly but deeply. Then transition into inhaling as your partner exhales, exhale as they inhale. Continue to do so as you move to his lap and wrap your legs around his waist. You can also place your hand over the other’s  heart to synchronize your heartbeats, cultivating a stronger emotional bond.


Relaxing into each other as you share breath allows for a melting into the experience, shutting off  mental distractions and entering deeper into the present moment. Take turns caressing each other  slowly and sensually, exploring different parts of the body and alternating the type of touch, before gently undressing each other. Be conscious of every stroke, every kiss and every lick as you surrender completely to your lover.

Go Slow

Notice, feel and merge with each sensation without the need to rush into intercourse. The more attention you give to breathe awareness and gradual arousal building the more effortless it is to maintain a slow steady pace and linger in a state of ecstasy. There is nowhere else to be but right here entering deeper into oneness.

Letting go of your preconceptions and experimenting with something new together not only strengthens your connection, love and reverence for each other but ignites unprecedented levels of pleasure and sensuality. Tantric sex presents us with a perfect alchemical gateway into exploring deeper dimensions of ourselves and our partner that not only expand our intimacy but embrace the sacredness of who we are.

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