They say you’re not supposed to wear white after labour day. Who follows that rule anyways? Wear what you want.
The air is brisk, you can feel it in your finger tips while they idle. Change is coming. Just ask all the teachers who have gone back to work, they’ll tell you it’s time to get serious. But just how serious is the fall?

The Autumn brings great responsibility. It says, are you really going to finish that project? Or are you going to procrastinate it until next year. Are you really going to make that proposal? Or are you chicken shit. Are you really going to face your fear? Can you conquer inner doubt?
The Autumn interjects all of these questions. It’s true summer was so fun. So carefree. But love the Autumn for the challenges that it confronts you with. And the spirit within that it rouses.
It’s time for a new way to approach your desired end result. It’s not the end of the year, or the final quarter, and that’s the best part about it. There’s still plenty of time on the clock to prove doubters wrong. Still time to kick some serious ass. Sometimes all a new approach needs is a change in the weather. It gives reason to have more strength, more perseverance, more grit, more attitude. Use it to your advantage while there’s still so much to hold in your hand.
Wake up a little earlier to watch the leaves take flight. Gain energy from the amber in the trees to ignite a more resolute, determined you. Those annual goals you made for yourself way back in January that you’re a little behind in, pick up speed, those are the goals that you’re going to charge towards with momentum. Get in the zone, get in your groove. Playing the game at your peak performance has never been so rewarding.
Later the finish line will start to show and it’s going to look so sexy, you’re not going to be able to wait to run into it. All this, because of the hard nose you have right now. Because you turned the page on Summer and said it’s time to have a different type of fun. That gratification you get when you win, win big, you can almost feel it already. Autumn has never been so sweet.
They say you’re not so supposed to celebrate your goal until it’s complete. Who follows that rule anyways.