By: Nick McNaught 

Winter can make it very hard to stay motivated in your exercise goals. Fighting the sub zero temperatures, and the allure of warm in-doors and comfort food is not easy. The key to remember is that the work we put into our health in the winter, gets displayed in the spring/summer. “An object in motion, stays in motion.”

Finding great results and having fitness success is very manageable even in the gloomiest of days, and bitterest of seasons.

The first and most important element: DO something. Sounds easy enough, but procrastination is the enemy of success. Schedule planned exercise into your agenda; do not just leave it for when you might have a time window. Showing up, really is half the battle.

A great way to stay committed to the plans that you set out is to establish a workout partner, a fitness class/group, or enlist a personal trainer. Instituting one of those will aid in keeping you honest to the plan that you set out. You create a support and motivation system that will assist you on the days that your drive is lacking.

February is the time when most people start to slide from their New Years resolutions, and the brunt of winter blues keeps most home. For those that force themselves to the gym, the throngs dissipate and finding equipment is less like navigating a zoo. It is the perfect time to make inroads on those vacation-body aspirations.

If you can get the exercise done earlier in the day, all the better. Get it done and out of the way, because the longer you leave it, the more excuses you will find to not do it. It still gets dark early in the evening and it is tougher to get the motivation after a long day of work. Fit it in before work or at lunch, and have the evening to kick your feet up. You will be surprised at how much more productive you are the rest of the day after a workout.

Nick McNaught is one of the top health and wellness figures in Toronto, and a prominent personality among the fitness industry.  Nick combines his passions, helping others and health, with successful careers as an elite trainer and owner of  He walks the walk, as a former North American Pro fitness model champion.  Nick has made several appearances on Etalk, CTV, and been featured in more than 10 magazines and newspapers.

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