They say the way to attract a man into your life is to make room in your closet. Easier said than done, which is why I decided to move to a bigger space. Here are tips to make room in your closet for a new Spring wardrobe and new man:
Tip 1: Take it all out! It will help you see what’s in your closet and what’s missing. How else would you realize you have 15 pairs of black pants? This is where you might want that vodka martini with a twist.
Tip 2: Once you have your wardrobe separated into sections (t-shirts, pants, jackets) find space to create three piles: Yes – I covet you, No – what was I thinking, and Maybe – there might be room for you in my life later. You have to take a critical look at your wardrobe just like dating. Rule of thumb is to get rid of it if you haven’t worn it this past season. The pieces that I have an emotional connection to I vacuum seal and tuck under my bed and next season if I don’t date it I get rid of it!
Tip 3: Weight fluctuates. I have two sizes in my closet: skinny days and not-so skinny days. I’m an optimist; yes I will lose those ten pounds, but also a realist. We only want to wear what’s flattering so if you know you are a marathon away from getting into those pants say goodbye.
Tip 4: Sorting piles needs to be quick. Get rid of duplicates, worn-out clothing and out of style pieces. Classic pieces that can be worn through all seasons are the ones that deserve a spot in your closet like trousers, the little black dress, t-shirts and jackets. Once the sorting is done you can incorporate storage solutions that are as fashionable as your wardrobe such as boxes, bins, and hanging organizers.

Make a date with your closet and get to know each other!