
Aries Horoscope

(March 21-April 19)

Give it all you got. Even when you feel like letting go keep on keeping on. This too shall pass.


Taurus Horoscope

(April 20- May 20)

Reach out and be a doll.  Friends and family will receive you graciously as long as you are genuine and jovial.


Gemini Horoscope

(May 21- June 20)

Family and friends have had a new respect for you lately.  This could have something to do with your heightened confidence level, or simply because they are seeing the softer side to you.


Cancer Horoscope

(June 21- July 22)

Laugh, dance and be free.  You might find it better to let your hair down and go with the flow as opposed to tightening your locks and going against the grain.


Leo Horoscope

(July 23- August 22)

Next week perhaps try to be pliable, but this week be wise, and especially when dealing with people younger than you.


Virgo Horoscope

(August 23 – September 22)

An abundant amount of information may come your way this week. You might be unusually inundated with messages via text/social media, and the info may range from family, friends, career, finances, spirituality, nevertheless, what you will learn will be of benefit to you and those around you.


Libra Horoscope

(September 23- October 22)

Stand up and speak up… enough said.


Scorpio Horoscope

(October 23- November 21)

Okay Scorpio, perhaps for a while now you have been feeling better than you have in a few years.  If so then good for you, if not then maybe get more into meditation and the natural talents that are within you, because for the next while Scorpio born people will be loving the fruits of their labour, and enjoying what life has got to give… so jump on board!


Sagittarius Horoscope

(November 22- December 21)

Hello Dolly!  Keep up the great work! You are doing what it takes to get things done; success is here.


Capricorn Horoscope

(December 22- January 19)

Count to ten… Breathe in peace… Hold for three seconds… Blow out universal life, because universal benefits are on the rise.  Keep up the good work.


Aquarius Horoscope

(January 20- February 18)

Options, options, options, whether they have to do with love, career, family, home or friends, just know that things will work themselves out as they should, no matter what decision you make.


Pisces Horoscope

(Feb 19- March 20)

Give and you shall receive, but just be sure you are giving to the right cause.  Pray on it first.

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