Every man and woman has the right to enjoy a pleasurable sex life in a healthy way, regardless of age, religion, culture, social-economic status, and sexual orientation. A healthy sex life always includes masturbation, which is the cornerstone of sexual health, even in long term relationships or marriages. Masturbation is the act of loving yourself sexually.
The use of sex toys has become an excellent way to fulfill the act of loving yourself, and your sexual needs alone or with a partner, in a fun way! Sometimes women need extra stimulation and excitement to reach high levels of arousal and orgasms, so sex toys may be great for that purpose.
According to researches, women who like to use sexual devices report experiencing higher levels of sexual functioning, satisfaction with their partners, feel more comfortable with their bodies, and have the highest score in sexual performance.
It is also very important not only to use them but to choose high quality sex toys which are endurable, fun and useful, according to the person’s needs, to really enjoy them and feel comfortable, as well as secure, when exploring all kind of possibilities.
Sex toys are not meant to be a substitute for a partner.
On the contrary, there is evidence that sex toys contribute to a better sex life with a partner. Today’s amazing variety of sex toys can contribute to:
1. Self-knowledge: People, especially women, who have never had the opportunity, or permission to truly explore sex, may do it now through the use of sex toys to understand the body and its reactions.
2. Sexual stimulation: Any sex toy, according to the person’s preference, can arouse and increase sexual desire. They can be used for foreplay, during intercourse or after.
3. Different sexual practices: Women may feel more comfortable and relaxed to allow appropriate stimulation all over. Routine, the enemy of a quality sex life, is no longer be a problem when you are able to discover, through sex toys, new ways and means to satisfy each other.
4. Intercourse and orgasm: Women can use sex toys during intercourse to help themselves achieve orgasm while pleasing her male partner. Also, the use of sex toys can help female or male partners to improve their excitement and reach orgasm.
5. For training purposes: Males in Premature Ejaculation programs, can use a masturbator to learn and practice ejaculatory control in a highly successful way. A good masturbator sex toy may simulate a vaginal environment (wet, corrugated, and tight), so a man can learn to control his urges to ejaculate in this very stimulating situation before actual intercourse. In my practice, I have found that males trying to overcome rapid ejaculation without a partner’s help, do very well when integrating such sex toys as masturbators to practice and be ready to last longer.
Therefore, sex toys can be an excellent option for training yourself with optimum results and having fun in the process. Finally, never forget when using or not using sex toys to be conscious, consensual and feel comfortable with whatever you are doing.
Conscious means to be aware of what you are doing, taking full responsibility of your sexual behavior, knowing or discovering your sexual potential in a safe way.
Consensual means that whatever you are doing or want to do, it must be in a clear agreement with your partner or people involved. Sexual expression, fantasies, and desires are intrinsic parts of all human beings and there are infinite ways to express them, but they always have to be consensual; otherwise it would be abuse.
Comfortable means that you and people involved feel great and truly enjoy whatever you are doing with a sex toy or without one, avoiding mandatory demands. If your sexual expression feels good to you and your partner, then the opinions of other people are not important.