Roses are red, violets are blue––wait for my Valentine rendition––actually, never mind, I throw in the towel. Excuse my botched attempt at rephrasing this classic romantic verse, but V-Day is here ladies and gentlemen! Much to the chagrin of the critics who loathe this time of year, the fact still remains: Valentine season is in––whether you like it or not. Sure it’s fashioned into a public and grandiose celebration of love and sex, but who’s the grinch complaining? February remains the most auspicious dating month, so save all that noise about Valentine’s Day being some consumerist ploy, and indulge in some spontaneous dating adventures. For all hopeful singles out there, it’s time to fix your bow and sharpen your arrow in hitting your dating target. Ready, set, aim, shoot!

The plus of seasonal Valentine dates is that, simple approaches and gestures, especially go largely rewarded around this time of year. See that woman you’ve been eyeing for the past few months? Now would be the ideal time in asking her out or inviting her in. Remember, today’s single woman is bent on exercising all dating options and not just set on putting all her eggs in one basket. So treat her to a day or night out and the rewards might just surprise you. The advantage, given your now-refined social and dating skills, is a great first date which is sure to further your advances with her.


With composure, be daring enough to ask the woman of your interest out this time. In the Valentine season spirit, the odds are extremely in your favour of her accepting your date proposal. What kind of conversation makes for a great Valentine date? Tune in next week to find out.

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