First dates are all about leaving a good impression, and when it comes down to the way you do absolutely anything, you must have good etiquette. You don’t necessarily have anything to prove, but you need to put yourself out there, even if it isn’t the first date! They’re still somewhat a stranger to you and if you want something with them, so you cannot afford to mess it up.
Yes, you’re there to make a good first impression, but you also need to be yourself, your honest self. Don’t change your behaviour and personality just to impress, you must talk about yourself, but also give respect to your date. No, etiquette isn’t about being extremely polite like in the old-days, but instead being yourself along with a few rules.
1. Always be on time

This is something that should just be obvious, do not make your date wait, it’s just mean! Of course, things happen, but just be sure to text or call your date to give them the heads up! Nobody likes being stood up!
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2. Put your phone away
I cannot stress this enough! Put your phone away people! Your friends all know where you are, and yes they are excited for you, but they can wait until after the date is done! You want your date to know that they have your full, undivided attention. Unless there’s an emergency, don’t even have your phone on the table, put it in your bag and enjoy the night!
3. Try to avoid awkwardness

First dates can be very awkward, and that’s hard to avoid, but it is achievable! Just keep talking and make jokes, maybe bring up something totally random! You just met so there’s a lot to talk about! And if things do manage to get awkward, acknowledge it! Simply say, “wow, this is awkward, let’s talk about something.. anything! I just hate awkward silences!”. It will work, trust me!
4. Be honest, but not too honest
A first date is where you lay the basics out. You know, what you’re interested in, your plans for the future, things you would like to do. Don’t let out too much information or things can get awkward again like in my last point. It’s always good to play it safe, but don’t keep things hidden if they’re necessary. Also, if you’re looking for true love or a hookup, be honest with them too. You need to know early on so you can continue this romance or bail on it.
5. Listen to what they’re saying and try to elaborate
This is the best if you have a lot in common with each other. You’ll be able to talk with each other all night. But maybe your date will mention a topic that is boring you to death because you have zero interest; that’s fine. Just make sure that you listen to them so you can try your best to elaborate.
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6. Ask lots of questions
Asking questions shows that you’re interested in your date. When there’s only one person talking on and on, that’s just annoying. So ask questions! If your date is a little shy, make sure you ask them questions so you’re not the annoying talker, you both should be having a steady conversation.
7. Stand up for yourself if they cross the line
If your date says something or does something that just really gets on your nerves, speak up. After all, you have nothing to lose. Don’t let them bully you or smash your beliefs, take a stand for yourself!
8. If you get asked about your past romances it’s normal
Most of the time it’s going to come up. They’re going to ask about your ex and you’re going to be as honest as you can. But be considerate to your date, as in don’t make it seem like your ex-was the best thing ever, but also don’t talk too much smack.
9. Don’t fight over the check
If they offer to pay and you’re okay with that, let them! But, if you offer to pay and they say no, don’t fight about it and just let it go. Don’t end the night in an argument. Even if the date didn’t go well, just kindly say “I’ll pay for the next date”.
10. Cut the night short if you have to
It’s still your life, you’re not dedicated to this new guy you just went out with. Maybe you have somewhere to be the next day, or just want to head home and relax, be honest and tell them. You don’t need to stay longer to prove yourself, or please them. This is a big rule that you should always follow. Don’t be scared!
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Have you ever had a first date that ended in a complete disaster because they didn’t have proper etiquette? Let me know in the comments below!