Great nutrition and dating rarely go together, despite most people these days having fitness goals. Most dates (especially first dates) involve alcohol, ice cream, or that new novelty 8-decker burger. And I eat that stuff sometimes by the way.

After 11 years as a nutritionist, I’ve seen hundreds of clients forgo their food boundaries on a date because they don’t want to seem high-maintenance. Or to not draw attention to their fitness goals (which they might be shy about). This just makes me sad.

It will be interesting: Believe It & You Will Achieve It. 

Here’s another thing I’ve learned – the couple’s health and fitness will usually default to the worse of the two. You rarely see a fit person date an unhealthy person, and then both become healthy. Usually, the unhealthy person is like an anchor and eventually pulls the other down via keeping junk food in the house and never initiating healthy behaviours.

My fitness/nutrition choices are 80% healthy, 20% fun choices. I workout about three hours per week.  So I looked for someone like this. And found someone. In fact, we just got married.

I used to play this little game on first dates. I’d order water (instead of booze/wine/beer). If it made the other person uncomfortable, I knew it was over. One of my girlfriends about 8 years ago, ordered a cider. She said, “Water eh? I’m going to have a drink. It’s Friday. Enjoy your water.” Right there I knew she had boundaries and confidence. We lasted about two years.

One date from Tinder, the conversation swung around to my fitness budget. It was $250 a month she said, and I quote, “Are you f***ing stupid?”  Good for her for sharing her opinion. We never went out again.

The key is, to know what’s important to you. Then be confident about the real you, and then screen for those qualities in someone else. Get out there and date. Enforce your boundaries. If they want to eat a burger, and you want a salad, you order that salad. Or visa versa. If they have a problem with what you eat or how you exercise, or don’t, then it’s not worth your time.

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