You did it, made it through another year. Some lows, highs, wins and losses. Life shook and moved you. You emerged stronger, tougher ready to take on 2020. Resolutions in hand, promises made; you’re ready, it’s your time, a new you is ready to take flight.
New Year’s resolutions aren’t always easy to keep. Believe me, I’ve been there. You start off excited, motivated and ready to crush it. A few weeks of life get in the way, you get busy, and before you know it, it’s the end of the year and you’re scrambling to hit your goals, yet again. Time for a fresh start. You have infinite potential. You can accomplish anything you choose. Time to get to work on your resolutions and I have a few quick tips that will get you started off right, keep you motivated and on track to your goals.
4 Key Ingredients For Your New Year’s Resolutions
- Let It Go
The beauty of a new year is you get to start fresh.
Throughout the year(s) we collect and hold onto, “What if’s”, “Should of”, “Could of’s” and we carry these around never letting go. Like a bag of rocks, they weigh us down. Write out everything you need to let go and burn or tear it into pieces. Imagine and visualize letting all the negative energy go. Then write out what you want to bring into intention for 2020 in detail. Imagine and visualize yourself in possession of the goods you desire. This is a powerful exercise. Get excited, release and invite.
- Start The Day Right
Start your day with a powerful jolt of inspiration. I start every morning with my non-negotiables: gratitude, studying, meditation and inspiration. I get my mindset set for the day. Start with a few easy steps. Get a Gratitude Journal and start each morning with ten things you are grateful for. TIP: feel the gratitude, imagine it and be in the moment. Call into intention items and events you want to see happen in your life as if they are already here.
How to start your gratitude: “I am so happy and grateful now that…”
Start with inspiration. I start my day listening to one of my mentors with “6 Minutes to Success.” It’s an incredible quick and easy way to get ideas, motivation and inspiration to get my mindset in the right direction. Check out “6 Minutes to Success” and start your morning off right:
- Set Goals
You CAN have it all, YES! Just not all at the same time. Focus on two goals at a time. Write your goals down, one to five (or as many as you have), prioritized from most important to least. Work on two at a time in order of importance. You will hit many goals on the way to your big goals. Goal setting is an art. Know the ABC’s of goal setting. To book a call to work on your goal strategies visit:
- Own Your Time
Let’s shift perception, you control your time. A schedule is your best kept secret. A daily schedule keeps you focused, organized, efficient and on time. I love time blocking and color-coding appointments, activities, plans, dinner, calls etc. for the day. Focus to gain clarity and control of the day. Additionally, I love using a manual hand-written desk top calendar where I write additional notes, reminders, and to-do’s. Calendar resource:
Who’s ready? Take these four steps seriously, they have incredible power in changing the direction of your life. Decide today to take action towards your goals, your dreams, your visions. Your only limits are your limiting beliefs.
It will be interesting: Taking Care of YOU
Hi Ankita,
Thank you for your comment. I am so pleased you love these tips.
You are absolutely in the driver’s seat. You have control of the direction of your day and you. And know that you have the ability to create the life that you want. If you would like to speak on tips that will help you reach your goals please connect with me via my calendar.
Sharon Shilmover Calendar:
Love these tip! Especially the concept of owning your time — makes me feel more in the driver’s seat.