To increase your dating success and set you apart from other singles, I’ll be introducing a new concept I dubbed the “Modern-Dating Impression Management” series. By addressing the nuances of modern dating, debunking dating myths, and familiarizing yourself with the hard-hitting truths of dating, you’ll gain that crucial competitive edge. So how do you stay winning in the evolving dating world?
The Modern-dating arena is built on Impression Management. Simply put, the impressions you paint on other single and taken women matter. The next couple of articles exclusively tackle this series, which virtually impacts all aspects of your interactions––particularly, with women. Once you’ve familiarized with these modern-day dating etiquettes, you’re sure to excel in the dating world. Not to mention, it helps you develop into a social magnet: one that leaves striking impressions and thrives in all circles and endeavors. The following subjects are presented in contrast with each other, for the sole purpose of highlighting their pros and cons. Also, they provide an unprecedented insight into managing your interactions with today’s single woman, past the first encounter. To experience greater success with women, it’s imperative you master the following dating impressions. Let’s begin with:
1. Mystery vs. Predictability

A wise man once said, “Predictability is the mother of all boredom” and no words could be truer. Gearing up into overdrive mode right at the beginning of your pursuit of any prospective women could prove costly. There’s absolutely no need to rush your interactions with her.
Revealing all your cards too soon in the high stakes of modern-dating does not necessarily fuel her attraction for you––but rather overwhelms her. She could easily be turned off by your over-availability and eagerness, and soon her green flag will switch to the dreaded red-flag zone. This being the probable case, it’s always best to keep an aura of mystery and intrigue about you in your dealings with women. Both serve as powerful attractors in sustaining or enhancing their attraction for you. To be continued….