You are a brand. You have a social media following. You have retail power and significance. Therefore, MeSpoke wants you.

MeSpoke has created a digital community based on brand affinity that revolutionizes the way brands and retailers do business. It’s intent is to democratize the industry by placing the power of advertising and brand popularity directly into the hands of consumers. It has, it’s believed, created a viral marketing platform.

MeSpoke, the brainchild of Sid Khurrum Hasan, seeks to empower the consumer. It’s objective is to give consumers a voice and allow individuals and their communities to define fashion trends. Further, according to Mr. Hasan, “It will offer brands & retailers an option to take advantage of a new business model, which enables a cost-effective, elastic and scalable advertising alternative unlike any before it.”


MeSpoke follows the groundwork laid by the innovators that came before it, yet the goal is to create a new form of consumerism. MeSpoke observed that b2b commerce is waning, while consumer to consumer (c2c) is on the rise. Unlike certain music sharing sites, however, MeSpoke does not facilitate infringement of anyone’s rights. It does this by allowing consumers to post content as always, only this time by allowing their community to click on the content and purchase it directly from brands & retailers. MeSpoke is effectively trying to create the world’s largest department store – without owning inventory.  And the popular items will be determined by the consumers through digital communities, and not through paid endorsements and advertising.

Hasan adds: “The notion of Black Friday and the need to spend millions of dollars on paid endorsements is not a guiding principle to generating revenue.” Hasan came to this realization while residing next to a professional football player, who was paid millions of dollars to serve as a brand ambassador simply because of his social and professional capital. He was, in essence, a walking billboard.


For this reason, MeSpoke created the Mobile-Community Platform that connects consumers directly to brand and retailers and relies upon the explosion of online user generated content, rather than paid celebrities. Consumers can now be connected directly to brands, retailers and one another (c2c) on an unprecedented level. MeSpoke allows users, known as “Speakers”, to upload pictures, tag apparel and accessories, and provide a direct connection to those stores through its platform. This allows a seamless buying experience for the “Speaker”, while creating an organic digital community. MeSpoke then values its Speakers, and aggregates their social capital. Speakers will benefit from a game-changing shopping experience; while brand & retailers will benefit from a new form of consumerism.

Hasan extensively researched online trends and the value of social media and user generated content. He developed a method to directly connect consumers to retailers and brands, allowing Speakers to become brand ambassadors. Brands and retailers, in turn, capitalize on positive word of mouth and an organic digital community. This is a revolutionary process that will allow the marketing industry to adapt to people’s online habits and needs.

While still making the finishing developmental touches, the MeSpoke app is expected to be available in the Apple App Store July of this year.



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