By: Erfan Mahjour

One thing that is a constant in life is the more things you’re into, the more you put yourself out there, the more risks you take, the greater your chances of success will be.

When it comes to meeting women, nothing could be truer.

“Don’t fight the universe. Don’t fight nature”

I have never met a guy that has dated a large amount of women by being an introvert.

Doesn’t happen.

Take a look at yourself and ask: “What’s good about me?”

If you like cycling, join a cycling club. If you like comedy, go to comedy shows. If you like music, go to concerts. You know what your interests are, and you’re looking for a woman to date. There is no better way to meet someone that you already have something in common with than by going to the places and events that you’re already interested in.

Finally, don’t be hard on yourself.

When most people ask themselves “what’s good about me?”, they start off with a couple good things, but then they start going into the negatives. A clear sign of a low status male.

Take the things you’re good at, and constantly improve on them. Make goals for yourself and try to achieve them. Like I’ve said before, the point is to always keep moving forward. The universe has no time for those that stand still and don’t make the most of every opportunity.


You want to be social. You want to meet women. No matter how many times you say you don’t, you really do. Don’t fight the universe. Don’t fight nature.

The more you fight what comes naturally to you as a man, the more you fall into a vicious cycle of negativity and depression.

For some inspiration, below is a video of Kanye West accepting the Grammy for best rap album. Whatever you think of Kanye, the man should be an inspiration to you in how he goes after what he wants and lives in the moment. Watch the clip.


Erfan Mahjour is the creator of Tailored Chap. Diet, fitness, men’s fashion, psychology and helping men attract beautiful women are his passions in life.  Over the last few years, he has helped countless friends and clients overcome their struggles in these areas, all with great success.  Erfan sees himself as more then a dating coach but more of an all-around lifestyle coach that will help you get every facet of your life in order so you can not only attract the woman of your dreams, but do it effortlessly.  His dating, health & fitness and fashion blog is designed to give you a kick start in your life, while his eBook is for the serious guy that wants to change his life this second.  Contact Erfan at

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