The age-old belief that each New Year brings an opportunity for self-improvement and transformation motivates the resolutions that so many of us make toward the end of the holiday season. If you have made such New Year’s Resolutions, however, then you are probably also familiar with the challenge of losing momentum as the months pass and the demands of daily life take over.
Is there anything that we can do to maintain our goals and thereby Master our Resolutions? The answer is yes!
As a counselor and hypnotherapist specializing in the field of metaphysics, I begin with a basic but powerful premise: that all things in existence are based in energy, including our goals!
Why is that? Because our resolutions for self-improvement must be manifested through thoughts, words, and actions, all of which are based in energy. You must be clear and precise when setting your objective because everything is energy! We can acquire the knowledge we need to succeed by using the Universal Laws of Intention and Action to actualize our intentions and manifest our desires.
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Let us explore how you can accomplish this year’s resolutions by applying The Universal Laws. Ask yourself these questions:
- What are my precise thoughts and objectives regarding my goal?
- What steps have I taken towards achieving this goal?
- How will I feel when I achieve my goal?
The Law of Action plus The Law of Intention creates your Resolution!
Precision is key when working towards your goal (your intention). It is important that you achieve clarity about what you want. Change is brought about by focusing your conscious awareness (your thoughts) toward both attention (your action) and intention (your goal). Your attention is focused on the actions that you take in the present and your intention is set to manifest your goal in the future. Action and Intention work hand in hand to direct the energy flow towards your desired manifestation. Emotions are also a must in propelling and focusing your energy. It is imperative that you attach positive feelings to the goal you seek to accomplish.
In my practice, I often work with frustrated clients who are unable to achieve their goals, including one of the most common examples of a New Year’s Resolution–weight loss. I begin each session by introducing the Universal Laws and their potential for focusing our source energy to achieve transformation. I then ask each client about their specific methods of achieving their goal, and guide them through the process of completion.
What is the intention of your weight loss?

You need to align the exact purpose of your weight loss with the Universal Laws, so it is vitally important to clarify this in your own mind. This reason can differ from person to person, including to achieve a healthier lifestyle, live a longer and more active life or improve your body image.
Remember to be specific, for this is your intention (your goal).
What action have you taken towards weight loss?
What physical attention (your action) have you taken for weight loss reduction? Examples might include a reduction in portion size, cutting back on sugars, or beginning a new exercise program.
When you picture yourself after achieving your weight loss goal, how do you feel?

Now, close your eyes and envision yourself after your desired weight loss. You’ve accomplished your goal! How do you feel? Ah…here it is, the emotion that you are seeking through the Law of Action and the Law of Intention.
Now the Universe must correspond to this emotion. It’s that simple!
Be careful not to let a sense of urgency or anxiety bring about negativity or discouragement while on your journey. This causes internal conflict and can disrupt the energy flow that you are directing toward manifesting your resolution. Emotions are very important where energy is concerned so ALWAYS keep it positive!
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What are you waiting for? Your goal is actually waiting for you! Allow the Universal Laws to manifest your desires. Let your new year be your new way of thinking and become the Master of your own Resolutions in 2016!
Always consult your medical doctor before starting any type of nutritional or exercise regimen.