12 Year’s A Slave is quite the movie. It is graphic, it is raw, it is honest and it will cut you to the core. And most of all, it may tell you something about yourself.
Sure it took place in the late 1800’ and you and I had nothing to do with slavery, but if you saw the movie, it will have moved you. You may have been appalled at the tragedy of the time. Disgusted by the chains and whip-lashing. Angry at anyone that condoned such behavior. And if you were like me, tears would have formed in your eyes at the redemption of Solomon’s story, and his pursuit to freedom. And then there was Patsey, played by Lupita Nyong’o. She was the one that was left behind, raped, beaten and forgotten. However there was an unequivocal tenacity about Patsey. A vengeance she had to have her voice heard, even during impossible times. This is precisely the time that you may ask yourself: What would I have done if that was me?
Early in the movie Solomon’s character was told to say as little as possible to survive. But he did not want to survive. He wanted to live. So did Patsey. In her little frame, she was a giant on the screen. It makes you think that no matter what your size – your words and actions can have a huge impact on those around you. Patsey provided inspiration to those around her in the movie, but it didn’t stop there. Lupita provides inspiration for all little girls, little boys, minorities and anyone marginalized from all walks of life, all around the world; all with her passionate performance in the film.
She tells us, that at times even though the cards may be stacked against us, and chances may be slim to achieve our dreams, if we keep striving on the long walk to freedom, we will see our promise land, whether in heaven or heaven on earth. The message for you is to let your voice be heard in matters that are worthwhile to your soul. For it is true, it doesn’t matter how many times we fall, it only matters how many times we get back up. For if you pick yourself up after every time you fall, and keep your heart filled with faith, love and hope, you can make it to the top of the hill. You can clutch your golden trophy. You can experience your desired end result, as long as you keep walking forward, even during impossible times.