
“Julie Ferman.com” Los Angeles’s Most Eligible Bachelor: Andrew!

Andy is a tall, handsome, deeply loving, caring gentleman who is passionate and committed to making our world a better place in the lives of kids. A Ph.D., Andy is an educator and a Non-Profit director, serving on various boards and as a consultant to schools and summer camps. Originally from New Jersey/NYC, educated in DC and NJ, Andy enthusiastically celebrates his Jewish heritage and leads children’s services at Synagogue. With rock solid values and morals, Andy is conscious, analytical and aware, putting thought into everything he does.

He is committed to a vegan lifestyle, and he loves growing fruits, veggies, and herbs. He enjoys outdoor concerts and being outdoors in nature. A growth oriented person, he looks forward to exploring his partner’s interests and hobbies and supporting her in her career and that which is important to her.

The right woman for Andy is Jewish, eager to observe holidays and holy days together, and she’s open to a vegetarian lifestyle. She’s warm, caring and compassionate, family and community oriented. Attractive and fit, she has fun dressing up for a gala, and she appreciates a man who helps keep their lovely, loving home. She likes at times to be in nature, and she shares Andy’s natural enthusiasm for community activities and contribution. She’s ready to be loved and cherished through life-long love, marriage, and family with this remarkable man.


Name: Andy

Occupation: Educational Consultant, Nonprofit Youth Director, Summer Camp Director, etc.

Things I’m passionate about: Living a conscious life and doing what I can to make the most positive difference in the world.

My ideal first date would be: A nice dinner or lunch where we have a chance to talk and get to know each other – the conversation flows naturally – we feel as if we have known each other for a long time – neither of us feels that we have to work at it – and, as we speak, we notice how much we share the same important values – we both envision how our lives will mesh together in beautiful harmony.

People say that I am: I have a very strong value system and am extremely conscious of, and concerned about, this world in which we live – such is translated into the way I live my life – striving to make this world a better place. My friends see me, know me, and appreciate me for being such a deeply loving, caring, and committed person, as well as an extremely analytical man who carefully thinks through what he does. Many friends and clients have told me that they could not imagine a better husband for the right woman and a better father for a child.

My ideal partner is: I am looking for someone who is Jewish or at least wants to be Jewish, who wants to honor holidays and holy days at home and at times at synagogue. I have been vegan for over thirty years, and it is important to me to have a vegan home and raise vegan children; thus, she should be open to living such a conscious life. These are core values, but these are not the only things. I am happy to learn and grow with my partner and appreciate one another’s different interests and hobbies. She should like things to be neat and clean. She should be pleased to dress-up for a gala, but also she should at times enjoy being casually dressed to enjoy a hiking trail. She should be caring and compassionate.

Dating deal breakers: Tattoos, smoking, dressing contrary to showing herself self-respect, etc.

I’m not bragging but I: have been told by countless children and parents that I would make the very best father.

A talent that may surprise you: While I am not at all interested in sitting passively and watching others play sports, I used to be a skilled soccer player – I played semi-pro and was even sponsored.

Three artists you’ll find on my iPod: I do not have an iPod. If I did, then definitely the first artist I would load would be Kansas and probably after that I would load some Benny Goodman and some Tchaikovsky.

My dream vacation: With Miss Right!

My favorite part of living in LA: The weather! I love being able to grow much of my own food in this climate. I grow about fifty types of fruit, a dozen veggies, and a dozen herbs.

What I put on my burger: I would start with a vegan burger and perhaps add avocado, vegan cheese, and sautéed onions and peppers. If I go out to buy a burger, my favorites are the Garlic Chicken Burger at The Vegan Joint and the BBQ Steak Sandwich at Veggie Grill.

I was most impressed on a date when she: I will be most impressed when I finally meet Miss Right.

In high school I was: In high school, I did not fit neatly into one click or another. I was editor of the literary magazine, treasurer of the computer club, midfielder in soccer, first chair clarinet, etc. I was often called out of class to help get the computers running in the school office. I created the first Inter-High-School Literary Conference. I was the coordinator of the Walk for Israel for the Jewish Federation. I spent school vacations volunteering in the office of a local nonprofit organization. I worked part time coaching younger children in soccer and swimming. I taught little kids’ arts and crafts classes. … I was not that different than I am now.

My guilty indulgence is: Staying in bed on a Sunday morning to watch the political talking-heads on television.

In my past life I was: Me?

In my next life I’ll be: Me?

If my life were a genre of movie it would be: A biography, of course. Also, a Bildungsroman.

The actor that should play my life story is: Me?

Favorite LA spot to grab a drink: I never go anywhere just to grab a drink, but I do especially enjoy going to Rahel’s Ethiopian Cuisine for a Telba (a traditional Ethiopian flaxseed drink) with some great food.

Favorite Ice cream Flavor: Coconut Bliss makes a delicious coconut milk based cappuccino flavored ice cream. They also make a great chocolate hazelnut fudge flavored ice cream.

To relieve stress I: Take a deep breath (preferably amidst the trees).

If I played hooky I’d: I believe in being responsible and do not play hooky.

If I found a genie in a bottle my three wishes would be:

1) To find the most wonderful loving wife with whom to share life and raise the most amazing children.

2) To have all the financial resources appear when needed to do all the good I am trying to do in this world.

3) To have the power to heal – bodies, minds, and hearts.


Want to suggest or even be one of “Los Angeles’s Most Eligible Bachelors”? Email menandwomen@magazine4you.top with your suggestion.



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