Life’s curveballs, challenges, and heartbreaks are inevitable; but it’s girlfriends, our ‘she-wolf pack’ who remind us through each and every passing phase of life about the vitality of building and maintaining a friendship.
The utmost basic yet relationship damaging mistake women make is assuming that their partner, boyfriend or husband will always be able to comprehend their emotions and specifically their ‘female mindset’. Regardless of however compassionate and caring your significant other may be, there will often be moments when they will just simply, not get it and that is absolutely okay!

As women, we need to accept that men are wired differently from us and sometimes a certain emotional and mental compatibility will be void. As a woman, you cannot expect a man to be your soulmate, the weight of that title can only be uplifted by another woman, specifically your best girl (or girls if you’re lucky like me)!
Do you remember how back in high school when drama would unfold and SOS messages were sent to our girlfriends while everything was put on hold to come together and have each other’s back? Yes, we’ve all grown up and as much as we wish for times to be simpler like back in high school how when at a call or text message all would assemble immediately, it’s not the same. However, that does not mean your ‘she-wolf pack’ should be sidelined just because the friendship is not conveniently maintainable.
It will be interesting: The Importance Of Friendships
Life challenges us every single day and we tend to get caught up in our daily hustle where keeping up with friends just isn’t a priority. That is exactly where we go wrong. Ladies, just how it is vital to maintaining a relationship with your family or significant other, it is essential to keep your best girls up-close and center.

Personally, my ‘she-wolf pack’ consists of my girlfriends who came into my life at different stages but are surely going to be sticking around, they’ve proved it! Each of them, including myself, are completely different from one another. Each of us also comes with our own emotional baggage from the experiences that have molded us into the women we are today. Though what keeps us all sane is one another.
Our girlfriends are like stepping into the comfort of a pair of Converse after walking through life’s cobblestone pathway in a pair of six-inch stilettos! Then why is it that we forget to keep our she-wolf pack intact? It’s not important to be in contact every single day while updating about each detail that is ongoing. But it is extremely important to keep your girlfriends in the loop when life throws a curveball your way.

I want to dedicate this article to my ‘she-wolf pack’ who are a constant source of my strength and inspiration. They are reasons why I could today write about friendship, without them I wouldn’t have known! Here’s what my expert girls have to say about it themselves,
“Amidst all the havoc, where one child of mine is screaming from the shower and one from the kitchen for a snack, thinking about my best friends always creates a sense of comfort and warmth that they are close to my heart and we are always thinking of one another’s betterment.”-Saima Azhar
“True friendship isn’t about how often you see or speak to someone. It’s being there for them when they need it most; whether that may be a one minute rant or a total mental breakdown. Just be there for them.”-Dahlia Nacef
“Good friendships never stale, instead they ripen and it’s the oldest ones that are the best.” -Maria Aga
“I strongly believe that whoever is meant to be in your life will always gravitate back towards you, regardless how far they wander.” -Sara Ansar
“The dull ache never seems to dissipate of not living in the same country as my best friends, this ache is what signifies the strength and foundation of friendship. Distance doesn’t matter though because true friendship is about supporting each other and understanding emotional cues like no one else does even if it’s from across the world.” -Manahil Qureshi
“I’ve experienced in life, that like everything, friendship also tends to run its course. But the beauty about that is, every friend leaves a bit of themselves behind which makes a bit more of you!” -Abeer Zaidi
“Simply put, friendship is God’s greatest gift; they teach you how to be yourself when life’s struggles make you forget your own being.” –Zoona Adnan
Once again you have successfully touched our hearts, Hira. I could relate to this article . It seems so close to my heart. No doubt friends are those guiding stars without which one would be lost while tripping over the darkness during life’s long n tiring journey. Your friends’ comments in the end makes your article priceless. Here’s to life long friendships!!!!!