
Are you brave enough to peek at this list with me ?


(Promise you won’t cover your eyes ? Promise !!)

Ok, here goes…



Your life is your story. You are the author. If you don’t like this chapter, start writing the next one now. Same goes for the ending.



Wear humility & confidence & love the way you would a gorgeous piece of clothing. It becomes you…


Explain less. Say more. Repeat.

You don’t need to justify anything to anyone.

(My friend, Tracy, loves this one!)


Listen to your gut, it won’t lead you astray. Our capacity for self-rationalization is staggering.


When you are too tired to find strength in yourself, borrow from someone you trust. It will come full circle.


Learn from your mistakes; don’t beat yourself up over them.

Nothing good has ever come from raking yourself over the coals. Ever. Don’t do it.


Know who has your best interests at heart & surround yourself with them. Then be the kind of person who can be trusted with someone’s heart.



Wonder about people. Be deliberate about getting to know people unlike yourself.

Be curious, not critical.



There is a fine line between being realistic & being negative; learning to discern the difference is invaluable.

This was another lesson from a mentor. He has been “there” many times & knows all about “stupid tax” (his term). Read Tim’s stuff, you will appreciate his wisdom & honesty.

Know yourself well enough to know when you should not be making important decisions.

Wait until you’re at your best. Or close enough.

THIS –> Expose your soul, vulnerability is a gateway to strength. @jonathanfields



If you seek external validation, understand you will never have peace. Ask yourself what choice you would make if it were an anonymous choice. Then, do that.



Seek advice from those who have made mistakes & prevailed.

Talk about the mistakes – seek to understand; it is some of the best insight you will ever get.



If your world won’t slow down, change it.

Control your life or it will control you.



Be honest about who you are, especially with yourself. Our capacity for self-deception is staggering.



Remember that doubt is healthy.

People who claim they never experience self-doubt are lying. Period.


Remember that everyone has their own crap.

We all experience insecurity.

People who claim they don’t are lying. Period.

. .


Breathe. Just breathe.


When life feels overwhelming, remember that someday you will have a whole pile of great stories to tell about the nuttiness of your life. #perspective



We all do the best we can with what we have. every.single.day.

When you are carrying more of a burden, you will feel the weight.

Accept that and be gracious & forgiving with yourself.



Know that you alone determine who will influence & shape you. Choose wisely. It matters.



Learn to accept a compliment – graciously, without deflecting it in some way. If you struggle with this one – too bad. Bite your tongue and just say “thank you”.

My friend, Bob, has modelled this for me.

Read his responses to the adoration he receives. It’s #amazing.



Nothing is more powerful & humbling than living with the knowledge that people believe in you.

Receive & honour their unwavering belief in you. It’s a #gift

Let life affect you deeply,

Cate Moore

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