Is it possible to be in a relationship with someone who is afraid to truly love you? The short answer is…Yes!

The person who is so loving, so kind and wonderful – who tells you that they love you and showers you with adoration, can have you genuinely convinced that they are capable of a long term relationship.  You are now persuaded that it’s safe to love and to open your heart. Just when it seems that “happily ever after” is on the horizon; they change drastically and start killing the dream.

Have you have ever been pursued and wooed one moment and left wondering what happened the next? Or do you have a pattern of running scared? If so, this series of articles will provide the valuable insight you need to begin to recognize, understand and overcome these destructive relationship patterns and find the love you want.

The Subconscious “Love Barometer”

Some people are subconsciously programmed with a “love barometer”. They have a threshold for receiving love because they can’t trust love. They are comfortable dishing it out, but once they have won your heart, their fear of trusting love and being vulnerable is triggered and they begin protecting themselves. The thought of receiving true love and getting hurt is overwhelming. Their pursuit turns to panic and anxiety. They start craving space and then create distance by acting out of character.

Why Me?

Why have you attracted such a mate? It’s not your fault. But, this may reveal a subconscious “part” of you that also believes that love is: not safe, not possible or equals hurt. You attract a person who is looking for your somewhat guarded nature because you seem safe to pursue, and to you, their extraordinary efforts are just what you need to believe in love again. Then comes the climax! You open the floodgates and they start to drown.

If you have been rudely dismissed from a whirlwind romance and left in a state of confusion, it’s important that you realize you have chosen a partner who doesn’t trust love. The fear and anxiety they are feeling is not your fault. The runner feels this way because of their wounded outlook on love.

Let’s face it; we are not in Kansas anymore. Gone are the days where you would marry the first person you fell in love with. Most people feel that it’s healthy to have had several relationships on the road to marriage. Unfortunately, this leaves many broken hearts, with scars that don’t completely heal – and thicker calluses to protect them.

4 Stages of the Classic Commitment-Phobic Relationship

With the helpful insights from authors Steven Carter and Julia Sokol, this 4 part series will explain step-by-step, how a warm heart turns into a cold shoulder.

The four stages in this relationship pattern will be described in the upcoming articles as follows:

Part 1 – The Beginning: They must have you.

Part 2 – The Middle: Now that they have you – they feel scared.

Part 3 – The End: You want them and they are looking for a way out.

Part 4 – The Bitter End: They are gone and you are confused, devastated and hurt.

This relationship pattern can take a few weeks or last for years. It can even happen after you get married.

To open this conversation and make it relevant to you, ask yourself these questions:

1. Do you see yourself in this relationship pattern?

2. If so, are you the one running scared?

3. How much do you really trust love or other people?

We look forward to a rich and stimulating exploration on a topic that affects so many people and their relationships.

This Post Has 7 Comments

  1. Dayana

    Bu what happens when you turn the tables and leave? I recently got out of a relationship with a commitment phobe; as soon as he realized he had me he started to panic, but I stood collected and I guess I never really made it into the full blown stage of “the end”. I just couldnt take the hot and cold behaviour and left. He quickly was the pursuer again, but I wouldnt have it, what happens in the mind of a commitment phobe then?

  2. Craig

    Where is stage 4?

  3. Dawn

    I’m in a relationship with a person like this. We were child hood sweethearts, actually my first bf. I broke his heart but I was a kid and didn’t have a clue about love or relationships. We weren’t even teens yet. We reunited and it was like a fairy tale. We even discussed kids, him moving to the state I’m in and even having kids!!! And then he pulled away. This is the forth time I’ve tried this, first time I didn’t get a chance to start a relationship. Second time was serious. Third I gave up quick and blocked him. This time I only started as friends, I didn’t think he would try again. He admitted to sabotaging the relationship and said he still wants everything. He plans to move her after his daughter graduates in June. Talked about marriage and life together. He even told his mom we were getting married and now a month and a half into it, the distance begins!!! He denies it, won’t talk about it and still talks like we are getting married and he is moving here. I don’t know what to do!!!

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