There appears to be a disturbing trend winding its way through our society, the romanticizing of having an affair. Infidelity is taking center stage and we seem to be embracing it. Websites and TV shows have turned the once taboo behaviour into the new flavour of the month.

We have all heard of Ashley Madison. The infamous cheat on your mate website. The site claimed to have the ability to keep your tryst/s a secret. This turned out to be a false statement, once the website was hacked and clients information was publically displayed for the world to see. Did Ashley Madison fold up and close its doors? No. It is still up and running with new clients joining each day. The hit and award winning TV show The Affair has a 95% approval rating on Rotten Tomatoes. What is it about this illicit activity that causes people to lose their sense of morality?
For many, an affair is a fantasy come to life, layered with intrigue, passion, secrets and indulgence. Everything about what you are doing feels erotic and carnal. You wonder why you have never felt this good before, especially with your current partner. This new person makes you feel alive. You are free from your inhibitions. All of the sex and romance that you’ve wanted to experience is finally at your fingertips.
It will be interesting: Infidelity: The Cold Hard Truth About Cheating

Here is the sad part. It is all a lie, a huge illusion that has the power to destroy you from the inside out. Blinded by lust, this path will tear you, your family and possibly your livelihood, apart. Infidelity masks the real issues that you refuse to face. Adding a new person will only temporarily delay reality. Eventually your worries, insecurities, anger, stress and sadness will break through the surface and confront you when you least expect it.
Each person who decides to cheat on his or her partner has a reason, or better yet, an excuse. Yet, if they were the person being cheated on, those same excuses would mean nothing. Before you follow the trend, or become desensitized to your moral code, take a moment to think and decide if you want to be that type of individual.
When confronted with infidelity vs. fidelity, which will you choose?
As a victim to this trend…. It destroys dreams for everyone around. It’s short sighted. Immediate gratification. And deeply selfish behavior.
But it also is the responsibility of both people. Communication is critical in relationships and effort mandatory.
I was only victim because I wasn’t there in the way I promised to be. Work became more important….. And well…… She wanted to feel special. So when another guy paid attention to her……. I lost her.
Had I put in the effort everyday to make the woman I was with feel special everyday then it would never have happened…
Let’s not only blame those who go to others for what they need…… Let’s also look at ourselves and say “am I being all I can be for my partner?”
It was a powerful lesson for me…… And someday when there is a woman in my life she will benefit from my experience.