When women travel it’s not unusual to have a second carry on full of shoes. We justify the heavy bags with not knowing which ‘mood’ will strike and we don’t mind tipping a cute porter to carry our Louboutin’s. However, if you want to save the overweight bag fee to buy another pair of shoes then listen up. Canadian designer Diane Kroe designed it right creating a line of beautiful women’s wear that is travel friendly. One piece can be worn as many different outfits which equates to lighter bags. I had the chance to get Diane’s top travel tips for the traveling fashionista:

Lighten Up
Choose ultra-light, non-wrinkle, easy-care travel clothing that provides form, function & fashion. Consider a convertible travel dress, a reversible bathing suit or a One 4 All top. Pick styles that can take you from cold to warm climates without needing a change of clothes. Don’t forget that colourful scarves are useful and can be worn as a cover-up, shawl or accessory.

Pack your favorites
Traveling light means you have to make every piece count. Travel with things that make you feel good instead of items you think you should pack. It’s much easier to have fun when you look and feel great!
Pack clothing items that are interchangeable
Your travel wardrobe pieces should work well together and be worn in various settings. Also, make sure you have one color story. Choose 2 solids and 1 print to add some variety.
Wear the bulk
Hats, boots and coats should never be stuffed in a suitcase when they can be worn or carried on the plane, enabling you to leave more space in your suitcase for your favorite outfits.
Roll and don’t fold
Folding causes creasing and it’s not the best way to maximize suitcase space. Roll your clothes into tightly packed tubes which you can neatly stack in your suitcase.
Get Organized!
Frantically stuffing clothes and accessories into a bag is the most common cause of over-packing. Start laying out your clothes a few days in advance. Take your time and decide what you will really need making sure to do your laundry ahead. Don’t be in such a desperate rush to grab and run!
Ditch the “just in case”
These items will take up valuable space in your suitcase. An umbrella for example can easily be purchased on the road if necessary.

For more information on Diane Kroe’s travel wear visit: www.dianekroe.com
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