As I look around, something interests me. I feel as though I am living in an old generation. All I see are high-waisted shorts, doc martens and fierce animal prints. What I notice is that fashion from the past generation has repeated itself in today’s society. The question is why is fashion being repeated? Who pulled their high- waisted shorts out of the closet and decided to make it trendy again?

As I speak for myself, I think many others can agree when I say I wish my mom saved her clothing for me to wear today! Young generations today are exposed to a wide variety of “old school” media such as That 70’s Show, Happy Days, The Beatles, etc. But like questioned before, why is this fashion being repeated? Old school fashion is sexy. Plain and simple. The tight fitted clothing with that rebel edge to it, who wouldn’t want to dress like that? Something that is noticeable with today’s industry is that fashion comes and goes. One day cheetah prints are the hottest thing to wear, and the next day it is completely uncool to have.
Unlike before, the hottest trends today will be on the clearance rack within a month.
What I always found interesting was why do all stores sell the same stuff? You can go to Urban Planet and find the exact same style of clothing in American Apparel. These are two completely different stores, but have a very similar fashion sense. Do designers have one big meeting and decide to create the same stuff? How do they know what will be hot or not?
Famous Coco Chanel once said, “Fashion is not something that exists in dresses only. Fashion is in the sky, in the street; fashion has to do with ideas, the way we live, what is happening.”
The truth is, designers do not get together, drink their Frappuccino’s, and discuss their similar creations. Designers are influenced by what they see out in the world, on the streets, and through the people. WE are what creates fashion, creates trends, and influences the top fashion designers. Since high-waisted jeans, doc martens, and fierce animal prints are being worn, designers will continue to create designs similar to this in order to make the fashion loves happy. If we were to all begin wearing ripped clothing, then in a months’ time, you will see mannequins wearing ripped clothing, although that fashion trend has already past.
While discussing the latest fashion trends, I must be clear; fashion is not the same as style. Fashion is how someone matches clothing to fit in with how the rest of society is dressed. This is why people tend to say “Fashion Fades” because as stated, fashion rapidly comes and goes in today’s fashion industry. Style is how one matches clothing to fit themselves. Style comes from within, which is why “Style remains the same”.
Credit to the beautiful Coco Chanel yet again.
Lastly, I am going to say, for future reference save your clothing because you never know what the next fashion trends will be.