Recently, I read an amazing book about relationships.

I’m not going to tell you what it’s called just yet. You’ll have to keep reading…

If you’ve been searching for a fulfilling, soulfully loving relationship and just can’t seem to find it, ask yourself…

How do you show up, share, and love in relationships?

When it comes to healthy loving relationships, both partners need to commit to making the relationship a successful one.


In the beginning, relationships are easy. Couples spend lots of time together, laughing, making love, travelling … it’s the well-known ‘honeymoon phase’. But as time goes on and life gets busy, many people forget how important it is to nurture the connection they have with their partner and spend quality time together.

I’m not talking about going to a movie or watching TV while lying on the couch. Relationship experts believe that there needs to be more soul-connecting during quality time with your partner if you want to create love on a deeper level.

Here are some examples of soul-connecting moments that you can experience with your partner:

New Skitch
  1. Go for a walk in nature together. No phones. Simply hold hands, walk slowly, and just be together amongst the beautiful surroundings.
  2. Lay down beside each other in the grass and practice deep breathing.
  3. Volunteer together for an organization that you both care about.
  4. Dance in the rain together.
  5. Find a roller-skating rink in your area and keep your vibrant, childhood spirit alive together.

Racing through life has become the unhealthy norm and people are missing out on special moments that matter the most.

When was the last time you looked into your partners’ eyes and tried to connect with their soul? Perhaps you’ve never done this.

If you wish to feel true joy together, there are plenty of opportunities each day for magnificent moments that will bring the two of you closer.

It will be interesting: Are You Able To Compromise?

And these real moments will bring more balance and health into your life – better sleep, reduced stress, increased energy, enhanced libido and improved mood.


Rather than focusing on ‘being busy and your long to-do list’, take time to notice. Notice the little things in your life that bring you joy and notice what brings your partner joy. Then do more of it.

Without being connected, it’s difficult to build strong, long-lasting joyous relationships.

You may love the right person, but you may not love effectively.

Since we were young, we’ve been learning about love. We watched our parents and observed closely. Did they spend quality time together nurturing their love or were they constantly rushing, complaining, or perhaps even just ‘going through the  motions?’

Think back. Which parts of your childhood have contributed to your current understanding of love and relationships? Are you truly present for your partner?

It will be interesting: Creating Enlightening Relationships

You may have to ponder a bit to really understand how you love, who you love, and why you love the way you do.

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And, this is the must-read book that will help you do just that…Are You The One For Me by Barbara De Angelis.

In her book, she reminds us that the simple moments in life help us create fulfilling, deeply nurturing happy relationships.

Rather than being present and cultivating special moments, most people are rushing through life or living in the past and/or future.

Very few people are good at being present. Right here. Right now.

Imagine having so much love in your heart that you can’t wait to share it. Imagine what your life could look like if your cup was overflowing with joy, happiness, and compassion. Imagine what your relationship would feel like if your souls were truly connected.

In order to experience this, you need real moments.

And they are right in front of you, right now, just waiting for your attention.

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