Men, listen up! Before you woo your lady and bring her to the main event you’ve planned, you may want to consider turning her on in unconventional ways. Forget the wet kisses and sexy stripper dance, it’s time to learn what a lot of women want, but are too shy to ask for. I’m sure you’ve already figured out that picking up roses on your way home from work, giving her a nice back-rub, or surprising her with a candlelit dinner can do wonders for your love life, but you may not even have to go this far. I’m going to share with you the easy-to-do small stuff, which you might want to do more of because women just – EAT IT UP!

Most women I know are awfully responsive to small and cozy gestures. In fact, I think this may be the secret to surviving relationships, well, at least one of the secrets.

I don’t understand why so many men fail to understand how important small acts of love are. Don’t they realize that if they master the small stuff, their woman might be inspired to pick up hot lingerie on her way home from work with decadent chocolate covered strawberries? Can somebody say playtime? If you’re not getting the action that you want, maybe it’s time to evaluate the effort that you’re putting into your relationship.

Small Gestures Go A Long Way

I know plenty of happy couples that have shared their relationship success stories. Most of them have told me that small things go a long way. Helping your lady with mundane chores such as washing dishes or getting groceries out of the car will likely put a smile on her face. And, doesn’t her smile put a smile on your face? That’s what I thought. Similarly, preparing a refreshing morning cup of tea and offering it to her in bed is a simple way of making her feel special.

Listening to her feelings is probably what she wants from you the most. I didn’t say ‘fix things’ or ‘provide a solution’, just listen. You can even just pretend you’re listening. She probably won’t know the difference because she’s likely talking to herself out loud anyways. Women connect with their partners better when they feel like they can share what they are feeling. Is this really too much to ask for? It will likely bring her closer to you under the sheets – bingo!

And, when you’re wrong, please apologize. Apologizing isn’t just about admitting you were wrong, you’ll also need to ask how you can make things right and be sincere. Don’t show off the inner child in you when you’re with your lady. It’s really not attractive.

So there you have it – the secret to a successful relationship may be as easy as performing simple gestures for your lady. Women love bragging about how amazing their man is. She’ll be telling all her girlfriends that you washed her car, made her a detoxifying green smoothie, or hand-delivered a healthy lunch to her workplace unexpectedly. For all the men reading this who feel like women don’t appreciate these small acts of love, you probably just haven’t met the right kind of woman.

Not all women like flashy gifts, so ask your lady what she enjoys, what she needs, and how her day was. Whatever makes her smile, it’s worth doing some homework, especially if you’re looking for ways to ignite some passion in the bedroom. Happy wooing gentlemen!

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