If it’s a bigger chest you are looking for (what guy isn’t!)? Then you will need to focus on the basics of building a big strong chest. A big strong chest is the basis of any great physique so this is an area you can’t afford to neglect. Follow my rules for looking like an Olympian and your chest will be your greatest asset.

As for chest training I recommend the following exercises

  • Dumbbell bench press
  •  Dumbbell incline press
  • Dumbbell flys

For each exercise I recommend 4 to 5 sets with a repetition range of 6 to 12. Start with light dumbbells performing 12 repetitions and then decrease your repetitions as you increase your weight.

Remember to train your chest no more than twice a week. Any more than twice a week and you will be pushing the boundaries of your body’s recuperation powers. Train the muscles hard twice per week and you will have a strong solid chest in no time.

Here are the basics of a program when applying the FITT (Frequency, Intensity, Time, Type)

 Frequency:  2 x per week maximum

Intensity:      Effort level 5, 6, 7, 8, 9    (Effort Level: on a scale of 1 to 10 the lower the number the easier it is. 10 is all out 100% effort your maximum in other words)

Time:                Chest training should take approximately 15 to 20 minutes when performing 3 exercises. Remember to rest 1 minute between each set so you can catch your breath before you go on to your next set)

Type:                As I stated earlier the best exercises for chest are the fundamental ones like dumbbell bench press, dumbbell incline press and dumbbell  flys.


Here’s a summary of the information above:


FFrequency of ExerciseHow Often?Beginner1 Session Per Week
Intermediate to Advanced2 Sessions Per Week
IIntensity of ExerciseHow Hard?BeginnerEffort Level: 4 to 7
Intermediate to AdvancedEffort Level: 6 to 9
TTime of ExerciseHow Long?Beginner4 Sets
Intermediate to Advanced5 – 6 Sets
TType of ExerciseWhat Exercises?Dumbbell Bench PressDumbbell Incline PressDumbbell Flys


Paul can be contacted by email at pgill@gilltraining.com.



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