After a long winter, it’s normal to feel your inspiration waning. You’ve been deprived of Vitamin D for months, and now it’s time to lift your spirits and get back in the swing of things. That’s why we’ve assembled a list of TED Talks to motivate you and inspire you to greatness. Sometimes all we need to do in order to tackle our own problems is learn how other people tackled theirs. You’re welcome!

We Should All Be Feminists, Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie

In this TED Talk one of the most influential figures in modern feminism explains her feminist philosophy, and why she thinks we should all support intersectional notions of gender equality. In addition to making some excellent points, Adichie is eloquent and hilarious. This speech is mandatory viewing for anyone interested in the fight for gender equality.

Inside The Mind of a Procrastinator, Tim Urban

Procrastination expert Tim Urban sheds insight on why we put off finishing our work. He proves procrastinators aren’t necessarily lazy, they just think differently. Full of cute personal anecdotes about Urban’s own history of procrastination, this TED talk is as charming as it is illuminating. This presentation is particularly useful for procrastinators and planners who are attempting to collaborate and understanding one another.

Rethinking Infidelity, Esther Perel

This 2015 TED talk made relationship therapist and podcaster Esther Perel into a star. Perel uses sensitivity, logic and copious amounts of research to explain why even happy people cheat on each other sometimes. She also provides advice for how couples can move past an affair. This presentation is equal parts hopeful and useful.

Three Questions To Ask About Everything You Do, Stacey Abrams

Get ready to be inspired! Abrams, a well known American politician, explains why setbacks can actually improve your life. It’s a brilliant meditation on resiliency and human strength. Abrams is both wise and wise-cracking, making this talk educational and highly entertaining.

It will be interesting: Our Best Tips For Spring Cleaning

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