By: Susan Alper
Finding love and a true partner in life can be difficult, especially when so many people are looking for love in all the wrong places. The job of Susan Alper, matchmaker and dating coach, is to create the right environment for two people to come together and find love. In order to create the right circumstances, usually, coaching is required too. Through coaching, Susan helps her clients realize what they need and truly want in a partner, not get hung up on superficial qualities, like money, clothes and looks. With her guidance, clients usually find happiness with someone unexpected.
Date coaching can also include styling. Susan noticed a common problem with her clients. Their style and personality did not match, which was attracting the wrong type person. Through coaching, Susan brings out her clients best qualities and corrects bad dating habits. Susan also guides her clients toward choosing the right type of clothes that make the person feel confident, comfortable and look great. Through coaching, clients become their best-self, allowing them to attract the right person and enter healthy relationships.
Susan likes to share a story with her clients about a man and women that met through on online dating site. On their first few dates, the women said all the right things and they seemed share many interests. After a few months of dating, the man suggested they go on a ski trip. The women looked and him and said, “I don’t ski.” The man was taken aback because on their first date, the women said that she loved to ski. When the man asked his date what changed, she simply replied, “I lied.” Through match-making and coaching, Susan makes sure situations like this one do not happen. Susan protects against these situations by carefully interviewing, getting to know and coaching her clients. So when two people are matched, they truly are a good fit because they will have the same interests and beliefs.
Susan’s mantra and motto for her company is: “life is not a rehearsal.” Susan believes, “life is too short, so why waste time looking for love in the wrong places with the wrong people, especially when you can get help!” The goal of Susan’s match-making and coaching service is to help people become their “best-self” and help clients find love in all the right places.
Susan Alper is the founder of Susan Alper Connections, a boutique style matching making firm with a unique twist for creating the perfect match and coaching clients. Susan believes that people are reluctant to admit that finding a suitable partner requires assistance and even help. Coaching clients for happiness through life-coaching, make-overs and the truth,may be harsh but Susan is living proof you can be happy and find a true partner. Susan has re-invented herself many times and each change was for the better. Now she wants others to do the same. Susan Alper Connections was founded in 2007. The head office is located in Westmount, Quebec with satellite offices internationally. Coming soon is a concierge service, giving busy new couples extra help in various fields. You can learn more by visiting