New York: A collection of vibrant city lights brought to life with colossal skyscrapers. The whistling of taxi hailers, and the atmospheric honking horns. New York is truly an urban jungle full of wild wonders. My desires took me to the heart of the Big Apple, which proved to be one of best places to visit for a quick getaway. I’m here to spread the Gospel, because New York is always a good idea…

It was around noon when I arrived for my summer holiday; I spent most of my time taking photographs and exploring the secrets of New York. Around 3:00pm, it was finally time to eat. I was in absolute awe of the wide variety of dining options. After a lengthy consultation between my head and my stomach, I finally decided on a restaurant on Mulberry Street called, “Sofia’s Little Italy.”
Upon setting foot in Sofia’s, I was immediately captured by the vintage feel of the décor. Old-fashioned wall chandeliers with crystal embellishment lined every wall. The tables were coated with white cotton tablecloths and a red velvet runners. Large French doors hung open, allowing the sweet breeze and the warmth from the sun to waft in…Luckily, the place wasn’t all style; it had substance. The staff were so organized, I was seated within seconds and began to scan the menu. I decided on the ‘rigatoni al pesto’ with a side of ‘chicken parmigiana’. The food was amazing, it withstood my expectations, and soothed my hungry tummy.

After my meal, I headed through the streets in a hurry to find my next adventure. I decided Central Park would be mine for the rest of the evening. The lush green trees and flowers were in full bloom after waking from the cold of winter. I was surrounded with such beauty and the atmosphere sent off such peace. An aisle of musicians and artists decorated the park’s pathway. A symphony of noise from street singers, violinist – and even the lightest of brush strokes from painters – came together. It was a harmonious and beautiful lullaby! I sat on the park bench and tried to be present in this magical moment. In so doing, I realized how challenging it is to come by time in this modern world: Time to heal; time to be grateful for all the little gifts we’ve been given, and time to live freely. But that night in New York, it felt like I had all the time in the world…

Visiting the city that never sleeps unexpectedly brought me peace. It was an unforgettable experience that enabled me to live freely, if only for a few days. From exploring the flowers of Central Park to gazing up at towering skyscrapers, New York was an awe-inspiring experience.