FEAR. A four letter word holding so many back from achieving success in life.
It’s like a chameleon, sneaking up unexpectedly and holding you in a mental prison. It keeps you awake at night holding your dreams hostage. Fear shows up as a story of ‘what ifs’, ‘I can’t’, ‘I’ve never done it before’. So many irrational negative thoughts, illusion that torments, paralyzes, robbing you of happiness, health, success, financial freedom and the life you’re creating.
Many courageously dare to dream big yet hold themselves hostage by clinging to old routines, habits, old ways of thinking, doubts, worries, anxieties and fears. Therefore, it becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy, a crazy cycle leaving you feeling out of control, stuck between where you are and where you want to be; a merry-go-round you can’t get off.
Is Fear Real?
The physical symptoms of sweaty palms, heart racing, drain you of energy, leaving you with little motivation.
So why do so many stay stuck?
When the pain of being stuck outweighs the pain it takes to grow and realize your dreams, one will remain stuck and suffer.
Our beliefs, addiction to what we know, what’s safe, our past experiences stop us from achieving true greatness in life.
Tips To Overcome Fear
You Have Control
You are in control. Fear is an emotion brought on by thoughts you’re thinking. We think thoughts of worry and we react to circumstances of what’s happening around us. Thoughts of uncertainty lead to feelings of fear. Fear is an emotional response to our thoughts, ultimately manifesting as signs of anxiety through our body.
Take pen to paper. Write out your fears.
Objectively, ask yourself are these based on:
- Fact
- Opinion
- Lie
Book recommendation: ‘The Power of Your Subconscious Mind’ -Joseph Murphy
Take Action
Don’t overthink it. We often overcomplicate, overthink, taking ourselves too seriously. Stop!
Start with what you have from where you are now. By taking one step you’ll gain momentum and before you know it all obstacles you feared will start to fade.
Imagination, one of our 6 higher mental faculties. Every athlete, entrepreneur, successful individual uses imagination to see their desired outcome. Take 5 minutes morning and night visualizing your business and life exactly as you want.
- What does this look like?
- What’s your perfect workday look like?
- Where do you live?
- How do you dress?
- How do you feel?
Write out 10 things you’re grateful for.
For example: “I am so happy and grateful for my family…Fresh air…things bringing me joy daily.”
Giving gratitude invites more of what you’re grateful for back into your life and sets the tone daily.
Start each morning with a powerful tool to get your mindset right. Check out: Poweryourlife

Positivity over Negativity
Replacing negative thoughts for positive thoughts. Your paradigm will fight to control you and keep you where you are. Thoughts of ‘what if’s’, ‘can’t’, ‘shouldn’t’ can sneak in taking hold. You’re strong, remember you’re in control of your thoughts.
Positive affirmations work, but they take time, patience and persistence.
Take pen to paper and write out affirmations that help ‘Think’ to your success.
Get a Mentor
A mentor and coach guide, inspire and pushe you. They believe in you when you don’t believe in yourself. Work with a mentor on a proven roadmap to success; success leaves clues. Top entrepreneurs, business professionals and athletes all have mentors, knowing this helps them achieve success faster. They know the importance of investing in themselves.
Ready to invest in you?
Book your free call: Masterlife
For the FULL guide, get my Free E-Book here: Banishfear
Fear and Truth
We are the source of our fear, not the circumstances surrounding us. Sure, ‘fear’ is usually a response to something happening around us, our circumstances, but fear is a feeling occurring within you.
You create this feeling and, if you created it, you have the power to take it away!
That’s Powerful, You’re Powerful!!!