
I have yet to find someone who is not busy and says they have more than enough time in their schedule for exercise.  All of us are busy making it happen so to speak and are getting pulled in every direction imaginable. The key to making your fitness goals happen is to take it off your optional list and make it a must. If exercising is on your wish list and not on your must do list it will be far too easy to find a reason to skip it. When you are having issues prioritizing exercise then your health is clearly too low on your priority scale. As you raise the significance / importance of your exercise sessions your schedule will open up.

The best way to make exercise a priority is to schedule it in to your daily calendar and do it when you’ve scheduled it. If you use Outlook or have an iphone you can book the time in your personal calendar and everyone is automatically informed you are busy during this time.  My advice for busy individuals is to always book time in the morning to do exercise.  The morning is usually best since it is rare to have interference from sources such as work, significant others, and or family. You are much more likely to get pulled in the wrong direction at 6 pm as opposed to 6 am.

Make a commitment to yourself as well as others that exercising in the morning is a must and you will see results quickly. In as little as 45 minutes a day you can begin to transform your physique and get your health pointed in the right direction. Make it happen and remember in the end the one thing we all share is the number of hours in a day. I’ve never met anyone with more or less than 24.

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