How do you know when you’re ready to move in together? This is one of the biggest steps any couple can make. Consequently, it can be tough to take the leap. So, here’s a listicle to help you figure out if you and your boo are ready to share a bathroom forever. You know you’re ready to move in together when…
You’ve exchanged birthday gifts you don’t both secretly hate.
You’ve realized shower sex is both impractical and over-rated.
You’ve watched at least three seasons of Brooklyn Nine-Nine together without “Netflix cheating” on each other…
You’ve “Netflix cheated” on each other while watching Season Four of Brooklyn Nine-Nine, but you talked it through and you’re stronger for it.
You’ve each seen what the other looks like with food poisoning.
You’ve been on a vacation where your flight was delayed by five hours or more…
You’ve survived Ikea, HomeSense, Costo, or similar.
You’ve stopped reading listicles that claim to know whether you and your partner are ready to move in together. That’s because you’re confident in your decision, and you no longer care what the Internet thinks of your relationship. Yay! Congratulations! You’re completely ready to cohabitate.
It will be interesting: You Should Be Making Time To Meditate