We often talk about what to do to achieve success. But then you hear about people that make a lot of denaro, yet they’ve had 4 divorces. Or they’re at the peak of their careers, yet have no time for their children. They landed their dream job, but they can’t get a date! They just got paid, but they’re spiritually empty. These people are successful, and they’re also stressed the hell out! They achieved stressed success!


So how do we avoid that?

We start with the awareness that success comes in many forms, in different elements in your life. Wealth is great; however true wealth is supported by fundamental values in spirituality, health, knowledge, good character and meaningful relationships. I understand that when climbing the ladder of success it’s important to go above and beyond, and sometimes you have to block out the world to achieve a target, but this can lead to stress. The key is being aware of what you value most.

Does it make sense to ignore a child’s request for a conference call? Does it make sense to cancel on your friend’s event to work overtime on a project? Does it make sense to not pursue your love life while in pursuit of your career? Does it make sense to not exercise because you’re too busy at work? Only you can answer these questions.

But I will tell you this. When you take the time to appreciate what you value most: Your health, your spirituality, your relationships, et cetera, the rewards are internal. You will not be stressed, you will achieve peace. This peace will give you the freedom to say no to people when appropriate, and yes to what matters most.

When you have quiet time alone with a prayer or meditation, or put your feet up in your favourite chair at home while you read a juicy book with a smile, or laugh it up with your friends over a glass of wine, or hold hands with your loved one that you trust dearly and go for a long romantic walk, all while you know the career that you love will be patient with you – You’ll know you hit a different height of euphoria. It’s not stress, and it might feel as good as sex. Freedom and peace with-in, combined with wealth, is the ultimate success!

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