Pick up lines…well we know Rob Ford loves his lines, so it only makes sense to make this article about lines in general.

Who taught you these pick up lines?

Does it start at a young age as a mother, telling her young boy to say hello and be polite. The point is, flattery gets you everywhere, but use it wisely.

We all live and love to hear compliments, and what is it about us that keeps us interested?

I am traditional, so I always without a doubt, wait for a man to come to me. Not saying I didn’t notice you and how sexy you are sitting in the back corner…and I thought “nobody puts baby in the corner”, but the point is: I am old enough that I’m stubborn now, so I won’t be the one to make the first move.

Sure, I’ve thought the occasionally cute guy with ‘an original line’ was amusing to banter with…who hasn’t? But flip the game and know that every girl wants a gentleman and chivalry, however addicted to the edge. Yet she acts powerful pretending she doesn’t realize she’s in charge.

I would like to put the power of attraction and law of attraction into the universe. Let’s just ask and demand what we actually and truthfully want without pretense. We want love, let’s ask for it. We want more in our careers, let’s ask for it. We want more respect, dignity and authenticity in our lives, let’s ask for it.

Spiritual news flash: we can truly have anything we want…it’s inevitable.

Put your mind to something and the universe will respond.

That’s all folks…for now…


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