Finally your gym crush asks you out! Here’s your chance to show you have a wardrobe beyond spandex and you have more sex appeal then the sweat rolling off your spine!
First impressions happen very quickly (within three seconds), are lasting and crucial if you want a second date!
As women we naturally care about our appearance (some would call it vanity). Without being type-casted as ‘high-maintenance’, the challenge is to look incredible without looking like you tried too hard.
Buying something new is exciting but don’t be caught off guard like Jennifer Lopez in “The Back-up Plan” and forget to cut off the price tags. Plan and be prepared. Ensure you are familiar with your date itinerary. Don’t wear your best party dress for a casual coffee and be horrified when your date shows up in jeans and a t-shirt. Being overdressed can spoil your mood and make you lose focus of the intelligent things you want to say.
You may have heard the expression “Confidence is a woman’s best accessory but the hardest thing to wear”. Confidence can be maximized through your wardrobe. The first step is to be comfortable. Beat the first date jitters by wearing your favourite skinny dress or pair that black skirt with your power colour to give you that extra edge. Select clothes that fit to flatter not just because it’s on sale! It’s important to wear things that fit and accentuate your shape so select soft fluid fabrics that allow you to move with ease. If you are thinking about pulling out those sky high wedges so you can look a few inches taller make sure you break them in so you don’t walk with two left feet.
Take the time to invest in yourself because looking good is feeling good. And feeling great is the best way to make a great first impression!