I love watching the various ways in which children learn to communicate their needs. Our daughter has just learned how to point and has made it clear that she cannot sleep until she gets the ‘stuffy’ that sits on the shelf beside her bed. Watching my daughter learn to express herself, made me think about how simple communication can be but how complicated I sometimes make it. For example, at times I expect my friends to telepathically know how I’m feeling, even if I haven’t spoken to them in awhile. I often expect my husband to somehow know…just know, you know? And I want my 5 year old son to understand that sarcasm doesn’t mean that I want him to actually do what I am saying.

It has always been so difficult for me to acknowledge that sometimes I may need company, nurturing or rest and the courage to ask for such support(s). I guess being vulnerable has never been my strong suit. So, as I cross my arms, stamp my feet and pout because I am not getting what I need, I have only myself to blame. And the most difficult thing to acknowledge is that I need my friends and family more than anything. They support, challenge, inspire and love me and somehow I have made it difficult for them to get to know who I really am. What a conundrum.
So yes, I get it. Our vulnerability helps connects us to one another. We are all afraid of being hurt, judged, disliked or rejected and being vulnerable allows us to know that we are worth loving, quirks, wrinkles and all. Communication is something we do everyday. It is a way we can connect, love and express ourselves and leave our unique imprint in the world. What are you saying today? I’m listening.