Better Dating Ideas Toronto offers weekly tips for the best places for a date in your city. Check out our weekly postings for unique and romantic dates in Toronto.

Canada Salsa & Bachata Congress

We all love Netflix on a Saturday afternoon, but an all day TV-binge isn’t exactly what the doctor ordered. Why not try something new guaranteed to make you and your partner laugh and feel renewed? Get on your feet together at a fabulous workshop at whatever level you’re comfortable with with one of the best dance instructors in the world or watch one of the countless performers from around the globe do what they do best. With over 20 hours of social dancing in 3 ballrooms, 10 DJs and a live band, 20 vendors, and over 60 international dance companies showcasing their work, this weekend is the weekend for dance lovers and just plain lovers alike.

Date: October 8th – 12th, 2015

I Heart Art: Painting and Speed Dating

Talk about all-inclusive! Paintlounge’s “I Heart Art” is an ideal night out, where they’ll provide everything – brushes, paint, canvases, and – your date! Singles between the ages of 22 and 35 can meet and chat in a speed date format while both of you paint together. Make art, make a memorable night, and make a connection that may last a lifetime. Check out this Newsclip from a previous incarnation of the evening!

Date: Thursday, October 8th, 7:30 p.m. -10:00 p.m., 2015

Thanksgiving Long Weekend At The Everleigh

Dating Ideas Toronto

Dance off that turkey belly Sunday night with our friends at The Everleigh. Located at the heart of one of Toronto’s hippest ‘hoods – King West – The Everleigh is the chic and fabulous spot you’ve been searching the city for.

Date: Sunday, October 11th, 10:00 p.m. – late, 2015

York Durham Heritage Railway

Dating Ideas Toronto

If fall has got you feeling nostalgic, celebrate it aboard the YDHR, a vintage train complete with a dining car, heated carriages, and a gorgeous path through some of Ontario’s most scenic country. This 90 minute round trip will depart from Uxbrige or Stouffville, which is easily accessible from downtown Toronto via the GO system.

Date: Saturday and Sunday, October 10th – 11th, 2015



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