Better Dating Ideas New York City offers weekly tips for the best places for a date in your city. Check out our weekly postings for unique and romantic dates in NYC.

Here And Now Labour Day Festival

Dating Ideas New York City

Let Bargemusic, New York’s floating concert hall, take you away this weekend, literally, down the Hudson River, and romantically, to the tune of stunning classical pieces, including a number of world and NY premiere pieces.

Date: September 4th and 5th, 8:00 p.m, and September 6th, 4:00 p.m., 2015

Lola Star’s Dreamland Roller Disco

Dating Ideas New York City

This week’s raucous roller disco is not only going the best party on wheels in town, it’s also Gatsby themed! So slap on your hats, spats, and skates and head over to Lakeside Prospect Park for a spiffy night, old sport.

Date: Friday, September 4th, 7:30 p.m., 2015

West Side County Fair

Dating Ideas New York City

Let out your inner Oklahoma at the 12th annual West Side County Fair, complete with carnival rides and games, live bands, sideshow performers, square dancing, a greenmarket, banjos, and more! Wander the carnival grounds, hear the banjos, feast on delicious Fair snacks, and listen to groups like The Willies and the Pitchblack Brass Band. Also – there will be banjos. Did we mention the banjos?

Date: Sunday, September 6th, 1:00 p.m. – 6:00 p.m., 2015

Washington Square Outdoor Art Exhibit

Dating Ideas New York City

Feast your eyes on the dazzling array of painting, photography, sculpture, crafts, and more at this popular quarterly festival in the heart of Greenwich Village. Wander the exhibits, pick up some art, and grab a drink nearby afterwards at the enchanting Gotham Bar and Grill, or the more casual (and divinely divey) Vol de Nuit.

Date: September 5th – 7th, 12:00 p.m. – 6:00 p.m., 2015


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